George Washington Smokes Weed?

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Wow had no Idea our pres was such a badass! and yeah sorry about that, I was completely blown earlier.. I'm still not on the ground

George was (among many other things) a well established farmer and hemp was one of his prime crops so of course he sold it and you can bet George didn't have a dispensary... But I've not seen, nor have heard of good ole' George loading up his pipe or himself?

Interesting though, George apparently knew of the medicinal and medical uses of his crops or at least that what the article promotes.

Ya know, so many laws, rules, agencies and even ANIMALS all hell-bent on ending pot!... I'll tell you what, if Gorge and his pals came back today they would have us ALL in a street and country-wide revolution to throw the rat-bastards out!

F'm all. I have my revolution and it is right here ~ under my t5's! God Bless MY America...

I remain,


Well-Known Member
ol georgie most certainly smoked-

with his buddies of course! ben, tom, john, jim. how do you think they came up with all that good shit?

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
the fact marijuana is illegal almost makes me despise the states on that fact alone.

Atleast George knew what was up


Well-Known Member
Marijuana wasn't considered a bad thing until our racist and corporate leaders of the early 1900's decided it was the worst thing on the planet. The only reason it still is considered bad is cause everyone has grown up with the bullshit propaganda that it is bad. It is the safest "drug" on the planet , no dangerous side effects, no addiction, no withdrawal, no overdose. Those racist fucks ruined it for everyone.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
This entire site needs to rage together and legalize it, on a huge ass scale, as in the world vs feds. I think the world might chaos when people realize how much our own country screws them over. How about they make tobacco illegal, the smoke that is actually killing people and not to mention causing chemical dependence.


Active Member
This entire site needs to rage together and legalize it, on a huge ass scale, as in the world vs feds. I think the world might chaos when people realize how much our own country screws them over. How about they make tobacco illegal, the smoke that is actually killing people and not to mention causing chemical dependence.
Oh no no no no no! Why do people always have to illegalize everything? Tobacco kills you, but smoking it is enjoyable (at least for people like myself) and its consumption is totally based on deliberateness, nobody forces you to smoke it.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Im not against it, I know its a stimulant that's been enjoyed for years, I enjoy a good cigar every now and then. My point is marijuana should be legal but im pretty sure everyone already knows that ;)