Georgia attacks S. Ossetia, Russia prevents genocide


Well-Known Member
South Osettia contains Russians not Georgians which is why they were killed. :joint:
Thanks for that, but I already knew that. Thats why I said """"its own people"""" because if your getting your information from the US mainstream media they are going to tell you that S. Ossettia is ALLEGEDLY part of the Gerogian gov't still, even though they(S. Ossettia) denounced Georgia and claimed to be independent.

:D.... Thanks for pointing that out for the readers though, Woo. Sometimes I use "" to show my sarcasm.. Its hard to depict how I would normally talk via the internet sometimes. :D

Do you have a source for this number? Where do you get this information?
I don't have an exact number because, ACTUALLY, I'm not a middle eastern journalist, Johnny. I'm just good at seeing truth. Let me see if I can find you something CREDIBLE enough for EVEN YOU Johnny.

Video: Georgia says Russian tanks mean 'war' in South Ossetia - Times Online
A South Ossetian rebel minister said that more than 1,000 people had been killed in overnight shelling of the city of Tskhinvali, the separatist capital which Georgia claimed today to have captured
Digg - South Ossetia says over 1,000 dead after Georgian attack

RIA Novosti - World - S.Ossetia says over 1,000 dead after Georgian attack
Over 1,000 civilians have been killed as the result of an attack by Georgia on the capital of its breakaway republic of South Ossetia, the North Ossetian nationalities minister said Friday.
Would you like me to try and find you all the dead peoples names too? Or you wouldn't even believe me than, either? HAHA :lol:

Johnny, you still haven't answered my last question either.

Originally Posted by We TaRdED
So why did Georgia kill over 1000 of "its own people"? :neutral:

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
Ethnic cleansing. That's a serious allegation. What is your evidence?

Propaganda anyone?
Exactly my point Johnny. Can you say "propaganda wars"?

Your question should be (going by the most recent track records of the USA gov't) "Who has a greater propensity to LIE?" :?

Who has been lying to us for the last 8 years(the BUSH administration)? As much as it hurts me to say this, but I believe Georgian gov't was at fault! I don't think the USA should be backing Georgia up because of Georgias recent events of "ethnic cleansing".

Just my opinion :D

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
Thanks for that, but I already knew that. Thats why I said """"its own people"""" because if your getting your information from the US mainstream media they are going to tell you that S. Ossettia is ALLEGEDLY part of the Gerogian gov't still, even though they(S. Ossettia) denounced Georgia and claimed to be independent.

:D.... Thanks for pointing that out for the readers though, Woo. Sometimes I use "" to show my sarcasm.. Its hard to depict how I would normally talk via the internet sometimes. :D

I don't have an exact number because, ACTUALLY, I'm not a middle eastern journalist, Johnny. I'm just good at seeing truth. Let me see if I can find you something CREDIBLE enough for EVEN YOU Johnny.

Would you like me to try and find you all the dead peoples names too? Or you wouldn't even believe me than, either? HAHA :lol:

Johnny, you still haven't answered my last question either.
I did not answer the question because you just now provided any sort of sourcing to verify the premise of your question.

I read the story and it indeed says 1,000 civilians killed. Thank you.

Here is your answer: Is it possible that Russia has been encouraging the ethnic Russians in S. Ossetia to revolt? The Georgians took the bait and responded to the agitation/provocation. Russia was ready to react to the expected response.

No need for the itemized casualty list, Smart-ass. Just a verifiable source from you is quite enough to impress me.

RIA Novosti is Russian media. I like how they called them Russian Peacekeepers.


Active Member
Russian peace keepers and russian army are different people.

The peace keepers were the people in the blue hats that called for reinforcements while te georgians were burning russians homes and killing people.

Now i wont go so far as to ask whether you are a georgian johny, having never met you, but your disconnect from reality makes me question your own political bias


Well-Known Member
Russian peace keepers and russian army are different people.

The peace keepers were the people in the blue hats that called for reinforcements while te georgians were burning russians homes and killing people.

Now i wont go so far as to ask whether you are a georgian johny, having never met you, but your disconnect from reality makes me question your own political bias
Welcome to RIU stranger! :clap: *thats supposed to be a wave and/or handshake* :D

Welcome aboard! Stick around! :D

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
Is it possible that Russia has been encouraging the Russians in S Ossetia to revolt? Not sure.

Not sure if when Georgia shut S Ossetia's water off one month prior to the incident might have caused S Ossetians to revolt either.

I did not answer the question because you just now provided any sort of sourcing to verify the premise of your question.

I read the story and it indeed says 1,000 civilians killed. Thank you.

Here is your answer: Is it possible that Russia has been encouraging the ethnic Russians in S. Ossetia to revolt? The Georgians took the bait and responded to the agitation/provocation. Russia was ready to react to the expected response.

No need for the itemized casualty list, Smart-ass. Just a verifiable source from you is quite enough to impress me.

RIA Novosti is Russian media. I like how they called them Russian Peacekeepers.


Well-Known Member
Russian peace keepers and russian army are different people.

The peace keepers were the people in the blue hats that called for reinforcements while te georgians were burning russians homes and killing people.

Now i wont go so far as to ask whether you are a georgian johny, having never met you, but your disconnect from reality makes me question your own political bias
Funny, the Russian Media article I reference does not make that distinction. Why would 'peacekeepers' call for Russian reinforcement? Regardless of semantics, Russians are invaders.

Political bias? Of course I have a political bias, as do you. As does everybody. My grasp of reality is as firm as yours, Comrade.
Is it possible that Russia has been encouraging the Russians in S Ossetia to revolt? Not sure.

Not sure if when Georgia shut S Ossetia's water off one month prior to the incident might have caused S Ossetians to revolt either.
This is the first I heard of this water outage.

As you provided new information with no source for me to check it out, I looked for myself and found an article in Pravda dated June 8, 2008. Not only did I learn that Georgia shut off the water to Tskhinvali, presumably in a response to rising tensions; but I also learned that Russians were making their way into Georgia for the sole purpose of fighting.
It is reported that so far 300 volunteers from Russia have arrived in South Ossetia in order to fight should it be necessary to defend the country from Georgian aggression. South Ossetia’s President stated that as many as 2,000 volunteers are expected to arrive. But it’s getting serious as the following reports are coming in:

500 Islamic guerilla warriors from Kabardino-Balkaria are ready to go

2000 Cossacks are ready to go

50 Russian Afghan war veterans are ready to go (these will likely train the rest)

Abhazia has also offered to send some of their guerilla fighters and other North Caucasus republics have pledged assistance if war breaks out with Georgia.
South Ossetia Ready to Explode? - Pravda.Ru


New Member
Yeah, that old man on Russian television is spreading propaganda, and so is that 12 year old girl and her mom.

Since everything except the official U.S. story is either propaganda or conspiracy theory, enjoy whatever you want to think. There is nothing I can present you couldn't manufacture an excuse for.

Funny, the Russian Media article I reference does not make that distinction. Why would 'peacekeepers' call for Russian reinforcement? Regardless of semantics, Russians are invaders.

Political bias? Of course I have a political bias, as do you. As does everybody. My grasp of reality is as firm as yours, Comrade.

This is the first I heard of this water outage.

As you provided new information with source for me to check it out, I looked for myself and found an article in Pravda dated June 8, 2008. Not only did I learn that Georgia shut off the water to Tskhinvali, presumably in a response to rising tensions; but I also learned that Russians were making their way into Georgia for the sole purpose of fighting.
South Ossetia Ready to Explode? - Pravda.Ru


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that old man on Russian television is spreading propaganda, and so is that 12 year old girl and her mom.
That's right. Russian propaganda courtesy of the Russian media.
Since everything except the official U.S. story is either propaganda or conspiracy theory, enjoy whatever you want to think.
I do not know the official U.S. story. What I put forth is my interpretation.
There is nothing I can present you couldn't manufacture an excuse for.
The same thing can be said to you as an apologist for the Russian invader.


New Member
I'll always side with the free least they'll tell you the truth more often than not. Commies always lie. Anybody been watching the disgrace called the Olympics. Other than the US winning, what the reds have been pulling is shameful. Slave labor for their "shows", underage participants, the scoring fiasco in gymnastics, the commie/american announcers commie love fests, etc. Commies....:spew:


New Member
I'll always side with the free least they'll tell you the truth more often than not. Commies always lie. Anybody been watching the disgrace called the Olympics. Other than the US winning, what the reds have been pulling is shameful. Slave labor for their "shows", underage participants, the scoring fiasco in gymnastics, the commie/american announcers commie love fests, etc. Commies....:spew:
Yeah, it's those damn commies alright, lying cheating scumbags. Well we've gotta have someone to hate, right? Right after the end of the "cold war", we needed a new enemy, voila, the terrorists were born. Now there's an enemy that will last forever. Gotta hand it to those pentagon spinmeisters. An enemy that needs no country and can be found hiding everywhere, Looks like a good excuse to parade American hegemony all accross the globe, trying to root out terrorists.


New Member
You mean, haters of freedom will always exist? We need look no farther than this here forum to see that, Medvedevman.:spew:


New Member
No, you know the official story and you regurgitate it furiously. Monkey see monkey do. You're just another dumb animal, a worthless eater that parks it in front of the TV 6 hours a day. Anything you say is worth nothing. And that's what you'll have.

That's right. Russian propaganda courtesy of the Russian media.

I do not know the official U.S. story. What I put forth is my interpretation.

The same thing can be said to you as an apologist for the Russian invader.


New Member
You mean, haters of freedom will always exist? We need look no farther than this here forum to see that, Medvedevman.:spew:
You are the poster boy for idiocy. I love freedom as much as the next person. I just don't believe in killing 3-6 hundred thousand people to achieve it for a foriegn country, Let them depose their own dictator as we are about to do. When you wake up, (In about 30 years), maybe you'll actually have a comprehensive view of the world, probably not though, there is no cure for stupid.


New Member
When you wake up, (In about 30 years), maybe you'll actually have a comprehensive view of the world, probably not though, there is no cure for stupid.
And for this, you are the poster boy. God forbid I am ever your age and espouse the opposite of what I do today. Only time will tell.