germanted but not has came up


hi can anyone tell me whats wrong here i have a few plants but 4 of them will not show it self the white bit that came out the seed was about 1 insh maybe more the otheres where potted b4 & doing so so i did leave them longer b4 i got them potted.this is the only thing i fucked on is it this? and yes they have cling ove them but also whats more impotant the light over them or the heat under?should i take the cling off?out of 20 fem and regs no fems let me down and 4 regs that did not germ out of 15 pritty good odds but never seen this happen b4 these are would be good to no if its happened to you b4 but got around it.THANKS

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Some seeds will germinate but die before breaking the medium. If the tap root was too long before planting, it could of been damaged.
Light is not needed until they show, warmth is more important, BUT NOT TO WARM.
It is like hatching chicken eggs. Some will develop but die in the shell. Some can hatch out but die shortly after, and the majority will grow into BBQ and frying pan.
That is how it goes, don't count your chickens until they hatch...same can be said for seeds.