germed 7 seeds, all cracked (tap root) but...

noober doober

Active Member
2 sprouted tap roots after 1 day, 3 the next day and the last two on day three. The weird thing is only the first and last two have sprouted through the rapid rooter, the middle three haven't done anything. Should I just give up on them? What's the best course of action here. Thanks guys, been awhile but I"m back!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i know mine do that from time to time in rockwool so i just make a hole with a toothpick and "push" the tap into the hole. sometimes i even have to unwind it cuz it coiled around inside the previous hole. works 99% the time.


New Member
Just another reason to plant your beans directly into a medium as nature intended....the paper towel method is fraught with possible problems....

noober doober

Active Member
If you pre-germed them and then planted them into the RR then you may have damaged the delicate roots.
Possible although i was very careful handling them, even used sterile tweezers

i know mine do that from time to time in rockwool so i just make a hole with a toothpick and "push" the tap into the hole. sometimes i even have to unwind it cuz it coiled around inside the previous hole. works 99% the time.
I believe rapid rooters are similar to rockwool. So "dig" them out and re-plant making sure the tap is down, essentially?


New Member
Rapid Rooters and Rockwool share nothing in common besided being a grow medium. Easy, sterile or not sprouts have micro hairs/roots growing off the tap that is harmed to some degree when being handled....