Germed seeds in paper towl


New Member
Okay so I got 3 seeds that's in between moist paper towels, the roots are 1/4 an inch. My question is, how long can I leave the seeds cracked in the paper towels? I gotta leave em due to no light for them. How long till they die? Or what?


Well-Known Member
Theoretically, you can move them into your soil medium now (if your using soil). They don't need any light at this stage, near window sill or a cool warm place will be fine.


New Member
I live in Washington! It's been raining 2 weeks strait, and hella cold if I put em in the window sill theyll be little baby icicles


Well-Known Member
I live in Washington! It's been raining 2 weeks strait, and hella cold if I put em in the window sill theyll be little baby icicles
You should of put that into consideration before germinating them. Technically, you could leave them in the paper towels a "short while" longer, but I would recommend planting them and moving them into a warm area of the house (if there is one)..other wise you'll have to make do.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I've had seeds germ and left them in the paper towel for about a week and they are fine... I did open the bag tho and let them breathe, they had their first set of true leaves growing and all... plus, they won't need a proper grow light at the moment any way, you could put them cups with a little soil or whatever and keep them near a 60w desk lamp... they will survive for ages like that and grow towards the light... They wont thrive but they'll survive


Well-Known Member
lol i went on vacation for a week and taped about 10 ziplock bags to the walls of my grow room with about 10 seeds in each one on a wet paper towel. when i came back home and checked almost all of them were about 1-2 inches long with their first sets of leafs and they were still in the bag. with that being said im sure for awhile. its like a mini hydro greenhouse :p