Germinate seeds mid-june outdoor 45ºN


Thanks mate, this late grow is killing me, sun's to hot, left the girls all day just to see if they can handle it and they didn't. They are not yet ready to face the mid-day Sun. Many days pass by without a cloud in the sky.


Moved plants directly in the ground around July 28. On 2 of them I cut the bottom of the pot and placed the pots directly in the ground, the other 2 I was able to extract from the pots but had to use some force so the roots are a bit stressed. A bit more stressed. Anyway, the area has sun all day. The soil is something like clay, but is actually alluviation, very fertile. Will post pictures. Oh almost forgot, a cow eat 1/3 of my biggest plant (60 cm tall). She didn´t liked it.


What I learned during my first grow, untill now.

Germinating in mid-June is not late at all.
Good soil mixture does not need ferts.
Plants started in June will not like being put in direct sun light because they are fragile and the Sun is powerfull.
Ph of the soil is very important. Adjust it with ashes or sodium bicarbonate.
Spider mites can be killed with by spraying the plant with a mixture made from a little soap disolved in water and some garlic and hot peppers powder.
Catterpilars can be killed with the same mixture. If it fails, spray again.
Cows love to take trophies from your plants. They will eat it all only if it's they'r last resort.
Marijuana can take allot of stress.
If it looks like a heavy indica it does not mean that it will finish faster.
If it looks like a heavy sativa it does not mean that it will grow faster.

More pics on Oct. 1st.


Well-Known Member
Firstly your grow is nice! Secondly I germinated my seeds put them in 1 gal pots and into direct I admit i didn't do my homework and I live at 35N lat. Luckily both plants made it!! Very well I might add.

Like you I'm detailing what has and has not work well for me.
Great job good looking bud! In my noob opinion:blsmoke:

What I learned during my first grow, untill now.

Germinating in mid-June is not late at all.
Good soil mixture does not need ferts.
Plants started in June will not like being put in direct sun light because they are fragile and the Sun is powerfull.
Ph of the soil is very important. Adjust it with ashes or sodium bicarbonate.
Spider mites can be killed with by spraying the plant with a mixture made from a little soap disolved in water and some garlic and hot peppers powder.
Catterpilars can be killed with the same mixture. If it fails, spray again.
Cows love to take trophies from your plants. They will eat it all only if it's they'r last resort.
Marijuana can take allot of stress.
If it looks like a heavy indica it does not mean that it will finish faster.
If it looks like a heavy sativa it does not mean that it will grow faster.

More pics on Oct. 1st.