Germinate slow/stopped


Active Member
Hey all,Title says it all started to germinate 2 lsd,All was going well now they have stopped or slowed right up,Any one know what's going on or just wait abit longer and see what happens its been 4/5 days.
(kitchen roll)



Well-Known Member
If seeds don't germinate in 24-48 hours they are probrably too moist or too cold. They must be kept in a warm dark place


Well-Known Member
yeah that's what it sounds like. The paper towel should just be a little moist but not wet or it will cause root/seed rot before the plant can germinate

The Grow Kid

Active Member
Hey I used to do thy crap like you and only get 5or 6 out of 10 to germinate. Then I got the idea well hy don't I just put them right in the soil. I bought 50 think like 20 would germ. Well I was wrong... After the 5th day all 50 plants were out of the ground. Trust me just put them in the soil and keep em wet.