

Hey guys, i was germinating 2 seeds, and i forgot that i was going to travel for the weekend. I came back and the white thing was very long. U guys think they re gone? It stayed germinating on a tupper ware with wet towel paper for 5 days or so.
thanks for the help


Well-Known Member

Things to avoid

  • soaking seeds in water/wet paper tissue
  • mini-greenhouse with cover
  • heating mat too hot
  • covering pots with plastic
  • germinating in jiffy's and peat pellets
  • wrong soil for germination
  • fertilizing seedlings
  • too much/too little water
  • cold and dark germination room
  • wrong pH of water
  • bad water quality
  • high EC of nutrient solution in hydroponics
  • spraying seedlings with water/organic teas/pesticides
Note your paper towel method is the #1 warning. It's totally unneeded. Plant them just like Mother Nature. Into the soil directly and don't soak it. The seeds know what to do I swear to God.