germinated my first seed and put it in soil this morning


Well-Known Member
ok i had germinated my first seed and put it in soil this morning and turned my lights on. so i get home from work and went to adjust my lights and i tipped the cup over and maybe a quarter of my plastic cup of dirt spilled, so i picked up the dirt slowly to see if i could find the seed but it couldnt be found. so i just put all of it back in the cup and put it back under the light.

does this gal even have a chance anymore? i started germing 2 more seeds now just incase


Well-Known Member
youll just have to wait and see mate.maybe its now buried to deep,or upside down.if it aint it should be ok as long as you dont let the soil dry out.


Well-Known Member
True stoner moment haha :P

But yeah, like he said it prolly went deeper, which might not be a problem, you'll just have to wait and see my man.


Active Member
ya you never know man. i would wait a few days and if nothin pops up screw it and start a different one. now remember if you smoke cigs make sure you wash your hands when your handling the seeds. the nicotine is poison to pot plants. also make sure you plant the seed with the pointy tip facing up. then make sure they are in a humid place and your good to go. YOU DO NOT NEED LIGHT UNTIL THE SEED SPROUTS. you just need humidity. happy growing my friend


Well-Known Member
thanks guys!! i'll just wait and hope for the best!

does the lights hurt seedlings? just using 3 28w CFLs at the moment, its in the basement so its not too humid in there so i figured the light might help it.


Well-Known Member
the light won't hurt it, but it could possibly dry out the soil faster - the point is that the plant does not photosynthesize until it has green leaves - i think that the seed will still sprout unless you can see it high and dry on the surface it should be good! :)


Well-Known Member
awesome you guys brought me some relief!

i was so excited when the taproot came out of the seed this morning! then when i come home this afternoon and spill it i was soooo not impressed with myself! i hope i see her pop up soon :)