germinated seeds poppd up to surface 1st time i watered them ??


Well-Known Member
hi every1 jus a curiosity q .. i planted my germinated seeds yestaday and watered them and when i lookd about an hour later they were on top of the surface .. is this because the soil ruduces coz it is now wet ?? i planted them bak in a hole in the soil and havnt liftd agen so jus asking to make sure there ok lol bit weird thanks in advance for replys:fire:
did the seed itself come out or did it sprout with its shell on...

did you plant the thing deep enough.. what are you using, those cups people pee in or something.. its either you must have a small ass cup, you must not have planted it deep enough, or you pour so much water into it, the thing floated to the top to breathe, since you almost drowned it..ha, i can't tell... what are you trying to say
i planted them in 10cm pots but the soil was really fluffy when i planted them and when i waterd them the soil level dropd so im assuming i didnt plant them deep enuf .. afta replanting them there fine now ..plz reply
im growing northern lights feminized in fox farm soil under 2 x 200w cfl
can i add perlite now its been waterd ornot ?? or is it best to add perlite wen i next repot to a biggerpot ?? thanks for the help
leave the seed alone for now, since you replanted it deep enough this time... when its time to transplant, add the perlite...
ok mate will do iv just put cling film over the top of the pots as iv heard that it keeps moisture in ?? is that right to do.. soz bit new to this so all ur info is extreamly helpful thanks plzreply
ov what about applying air into the roots ?? im using soil i was wondering if there was a way of doing it like shaking water 1st to put more oxygen into it ?? really new to this
thats what perlite is for... it helps give the roots air.. but what i do i gently squeeze the sides of the cup or container to soften the soil a bit...
ill be doing that aswell as im right in thinking it can only help right ?? they have been in the soils jus over 2 days now but no stem is that normal???