Germinating in rockwool


Active Member
Alright, I put the seeds into rockwool without using the paper towel method and not paying attention to where their root is going to grow :wall:. Now it seems like at least one of them is growing upside down. You think this is something to worry about so far?


Well-Known Member
You're good. The plant will figure itself out. Don't even worry about it.
If the miraculous chance that the plant DOES start growing out from the bottom, just flip over the cube. :roll:


Active Member
I thought the rockwool was PH neutral from the beginning. I never knew I had to adjust it before I had the seeds in it. By then I rinced it with ph'd water to acceptable levels. The seeds were in a high-ph environment for like 3 hours or so.
Nevertheless, as it seems, I'm experiencing a germinating rate if about three of ten after three days in the rockwool. With this perticular strain and seed vendor this is usually what I get. We'll see if the rest show any signs of life.


Active Member
Big thanks for the link. I'll certainly read it.
Four days and five of the seeds seem to be germinating, but one has popped out not green but white. I've encountered this before, and that time the seed didn't survive. Damn with these poor quality seeds.