germinating methods


Well-Known Member
i know the paper towel method but want to try something else.. ive heard of just filling a cup with water and putting the seed in?


Green Thumb of God
paper towel method in the fridge crisper drawer. It goes against everything everyone here says but I get really good germination %'s doing it. I just get a really small tupperware and a wet paper towel wrap the seeds inside the paper towel and throw it in the crisper drawer. 3-4 days later I have a bunch of roots sticking out.

The cup method is simple ass that get a cup of water preferrably in a light proof cup throw seeds in and stick in a dark place. I've had mixed results.


Active Member

Even i do my very first grow, i grew up many different plants (flowers and vegetables) since years, and for germinating the seeds i use a trick my grandma told me, i use no plain water but cold thin camomile tea, even for the first days after potting the seedlings. That works great for me, it´s both bactericidal and fungicide.

Peace, Martin