germinating planting seed


New Member
so its my second season growing and was wondering aobut germination and planting last time i jus threw the seed in and hoped for them to grow. Now i want to germinate and i already put the seeds in moist paper towels in a bowl with a dish over it in a dark places did i do anything wrong? and with planting can you put any type of nutes around the seedling when you put it in or only water it???


Well-Known Member
no you are fine so far just be careful handling the seedling with your fingers that is the only down part to a paper towell
no nutes yet the plant is not stable enough yet


Well-Known Member
You can germinate seeds by putting water in a jar with a little phosphorus and add the seeds. Put the jar in a dark cool spot overnight and in the morning the seeds that are on the bottom of jar you plant. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
so no paper towel and do they normaly float then just sink to the bottom?
Yes they will sink because the outer shell softens and takes on water.The phos helps the young sprout to push through the soil a lot quicker.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
when germinating in paper towels be carefull the sprout dosent emebed itself into the paper towl..and also some fancy papertowels have chlorine or some harmful chemeical for you sprout so be careful of that


Well-Known Member
and about germinating them in the water..ive thrown some bagseeds in a glass of water and they germinate..but they float..most seeds do not float and will sink to the my knowlege its not good...have you ever heard of soil moist...i put some west soilmoist in a sock and then put my seeds in works pretty well but if you dont know what soil moist is dont even bother..i was confused my first time and fucked up my seeds


New Member
thanks jah it floated and im only using 1 seed to try so if it doesnt work its alrite and my paper towels are basic no fancy shit here but how do you stop embedding ??and thanks for the other advice


Well-Known Member
yeah no problem just cant wait to long from the time it sprouts to when you take it out..if you wait to long then it will start to embed..but good luck bro

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I like to use paper coffee filters to germ mine(they do pretty good cooking hotdogs in the microwave wet it,put your seeds on and fold it...slide it into an open baggie...don't seal it...check morning and night,and spray with water if it starts to dry scuff before germination....make a tube out of sandpaper,rough side in...slide it into a pill bottle...drop in your seeds,pop on the top,and shake briskly...this makes tiny scratches in the hard husk,and allows better moisture penetration...good luck!