Germinating question..


Well-Known Member
Is it necessary to germinate a seed in a paper towel? or am I just as well off placing them directly into soil?

Ive got some really nice seeds that I dont want to screw up. Itd be great to get some advice from the experts!


Active Member
I've heard nothing but good things about the paper towel method. Personally, I put my seeds in a shot glass, or small glass of water. Within 3 days max, they are showing a decent tap root, at which point I pick them up with tweezers (lightly pinch seed casing), and place them tap root down into soil, water lightly, and throw into soil. 2 days later, they've all sprouted.


Well-Known Member
some seeds will sprout and some will not for whatever reason. when you germinate the seeds you know ahead of time which ones will sprout without wasting time by planting them and waiting a week or whatever and then finding out nothing sprouted.


Well-Known Member
Just put them in a glass of water for 24 hrs and after that No matter what they look like plant them.


Active Member
:weed:the best way i have doe it was to fold them in a wet paper towel that place in i lil tupperware thing and stick it on my cable box while it is on...they pop in 24 hours every time!:weed:


Well-Known Member
yep i just throw them in the dirt what germinates germinates,
never tried the paper towel method ,and probably never will...:-)