Germinating seeds


Active Member
So, I germinated a couple seeds. The tendrils were tiny, but they cracked, and I could clearly see them. I didn't want to wait too long before I planted. I hear any longer than an inch, can possibly shock the plant.


I stuck it, tendril down, point up, about quarter inch into the dirt. Sprinkled dirt on top of it.

Now, my question is;

Does it need light?

Or do I leave it in the dark until it pops its veggie head out?

Thanks guys,


Active Member
doesn't matter, just keep your soil damp, NOT waterlogged.

Would a spray bottle be efficient?

Oh, and hows the mixture of (2/3) potting soil and just (1/3) regular dirt flow? I imagine not too well. But, I have little to work with. I have a 5 gallon container, and 3 gallons of potting soil. Heh.

I imagine it's not too different from outdoor growing, especially if I were to add my own nutes and such?