
wuz d scn tryin to germinating my blue cheese using the paper towel between 2 plates technique. i put the plates between my modem and my router to get warmth but i believe it may hav been to hot...i came back to see the paper towel dry...i moved the plates to a diff location and wet the paper towel again...its been 3 days now and nothin...this is the only seed i hav and really need this 2 work out...any suggestions will b greatly appreciated

it does need some warmth,just make sure you dont let it dry out,it needs some close monitoring,but i have waited over a week for seeds to germinate,so it may still be viable,hope it is.
I wouldnt put it near your electronics for a couple reasons. The first is that its going to create too much heat. They germinate best at room temp. I usually leave mine in the window sil that gets the most light and you will be good to go. Also, you might fry your electronics by having water so close
I think using a washcloth is better than paper cause it doesn't dry out as fast, just do not over dampen the cloth.
I use damp paper towels and put it into a baggie. If they don't germ in about 4-5 days in the baggie, take it out and change the paper towel before mold sets in. It can take a few days. I drop my beans into a cup of rain water for 24 hours; most of the time they sprout right in the water or either they crack open and I put them into a damp paper towel for them to start their tap root.
I germinated 60 viable looking seeds two weeks ago. 20 with the papertowel two plate method, 20 with a papertowel in a DVD case, and ten each after being submersed in water until they sank. my results were 100% with soaked seeds in the DVD case, 80% non soaked with a DVD case. 80% soaked with two plates and 60% non soaked with two plates.

I'm not a scientist but this experiment is certainly valid.