Germination 101


Steps to Germinate Some Sexy Sperm Tails
By - DadaaP

What is Germination you ask??
"During germination, the marijuana seed awakens from its inactivity. Water is essential here, for as soon as the seed has absorbed a sufficient amount of water, the seedling begins to form its root system. Next it breaks through its shell." (

  • Step 1. Germinate in water dropping seeds into water:
    .............o Shot glasses work perfectly or another small container (white or clear)
    .............o Fill with 50/50 tap and distilled mix, or screw it just tap, room temperature)
    .............o A great location to do this is on top of hot water heater, throw seeds in water (float)
    .............o Keep temp range 74-80 give or take, if you cant get this and you somehow don't have a water heater (freak) place in shot glass surround but not touching
    ..................leaving a 1/4 in gap of hand warmers those things you buy and shake and get
    ..................nice and warm
    ..............o At 16 hours swirl water a little bit with clean finger or penis,
    ................set back again in darkness for another 8 hours = 24 hours total

  • Step 2. Next is to Germinate in paper towels, in darkness!, allow those sexy sperm roots to grow out:
    .............o In either closed or open container depending on humidity in your area
    ...................high humid areas = no need to seal,
    ...................low humid areas = Some Seal Preferred
    .............o Line Tupperware with folded paper towels, and not those little skinny ones
    ...................the big gahones ones.
    ................... So you have 2-3 layers on the bottom.
    .............o Then poor enough water to soak paper towel but not pool up.
    ..................Place seeds w/ tweezers! onto paper towels.
    .............o 50/50 tap and distilled mix, or screw it just tap, room temperature
    .............o If you have edges of paper towel going up side of Tupperware
    ..................fold those down. Place 3 layers of paper towels over that. Water.
    .............o Make sure no big pools are in the Tupperware you can tip over with your hand in to hold seeds and check.
    .............o Place in total darkness and its good to keep this location roughly 70-78 degrees
    .............o All seed strains differ so, what I do for random seeds is place seeds on top of water heater for 1 day then take out and place in closet (70 degrees)
    .............o Keep checking on them every 8 hours or so (depending on your temp/humidity) water and check for roots and to see if dry, if getting slightly dried, hard paper
    ..................poor water again to moisten the towel. Keep moist not soaked or "pools"
    .............Roots = little white tail that pops out see picture below, let it get 1mm to 4mm.
    .............o If roots, well then plant that baby 1/3 to 2/3 inch deep into soil or whatever its
    ..................good to go, down to f**k and hopefully be some nice girl pu**y
    .............o If no roots by day 7 (give or take) place that no good little nerd back into water and
    .................. repeat step 1 for one day then redo step 2.
    Or burn it, it could just be an emo seed that doesn't want to see the light :)

Many people say skip steps 1 and 2 and just throw it into some moist soil and light and watch it grow. But I like the steps better, more success and an added step in the plants natural life that it loves and wishes it could be a sexy female with nice big round lickable buds that are tight and not floppy for you.

so you grow sperm roots? sperm means male and unless you are making hemp or breeding i think you need to replace sperm root with taproot, it will make you sound more intelligent.


Active Member
I'm with you on this - I use the papertowel system ... just dont see any sense in wasting the time with grow medium unless you know its gonna grow ....


So you really think that soaking seeds in water for 24 hours or putting them in between wet paper towels is 'more successful' than planting directly into a soil-less mix or soil?



Active Member
How is adding unnecessary steps 'easier'? Seed straight into soil, couple few days later a sprout.

I hate seeing all these threads about 'how to germinate' because if someone new is looking around for info, they see this [garbage] and think this is what has to be done to grow a plant. It's not. Mother nature has growing down pretty good.

To each his own, but I think these scuffing, soaking, paper towel ideas should be a backup plan in case for whatever reason the soil didn't work. Most definitely not as a first step.

[My opinion nothing personal]

Brett Brown

Active Member
I wanted to know if there is anyone who can tell me how they can tell how a seed is a male or a female? thanks BB2112!

Brett Brown

Active Member
Well what I really wanted to know is not how to get the seeds to start growing. I know how to do that but I wanted to know how they can look at a seed and tell you when they sell it to you that it is a male or a female? Cause when I went to buy seeds it said feminized seeds and I thought how the hell do they know that untill it grows? So my question is how do they know if a seed is a male or a female? Thank You, BB2112!