Germination, do I need light?


Well-Known Member
So I bought peat pellets and a greenhouse dome to germinate my seeds, i'm having difficulty keeping the room warm, for its snowing here, if I place it in my tent with the light on and fan off I can deffinitly get ideal germination temps.. I heard you want to keep germinating seeds away from direct light? Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Personally have germinated seeds two ways.
1) in a wet napkin wrapd in plastic wrap & wrapd in a towel then inplace it in a dark drawer.
2) i've also put them in rockwool cubes that were soaked for 24hour prior to placing my seeds. Under a floro compact light.

The seeds in the dark drawer germinated faster but the seeds that grew under the bulb thru the germination process were less prone to heat stress from the lights.

So it's your call man. That's just from my past personal experiences.


Well-Known Member
Well they're in the greenhouse at 84.4 degrees and 91% humidity. Its been about 36 hours, still nothing. How long does the germination process take? I thought only a day, but I've heard could take up to 7 days. I'm germinating 6. I understand not all will sprout but at least 4 should sprout hopefully in the next 12-24 hours? I'll update.


Well-Known Member
What about light? Do I need light? I have my desktop light on for heat only. I heard no direct "sunlight". So therefore I don't have my MH light on. I don't think it needs anything light really, but I like to monitor humidity and temperature. I am pretty sure I have everything ideal, except patience. Anyone? Any suggestions please?


Active Member
Give it time, and since I'm a newb i'm not sure, but I'd try and get the humidity down a bit. I planted 10 seeds on 4/20 and nothing popped till 4/25 so I was pretty nervous thinking nothing was going to happen and then in one day they busted out. My humidity I believe was pretty low like in the upper 30's when my seeds popped. But i'm a newb and I'm just hopeing things go right, so far so good. So just give it some time. I'm not sure what a good humidity for seed popping should be?

Here are photos of what I'm doing, am I doing anything wrong besides the obvious and being impatient and opening the container. I only did it for about 3 seconds for 2 photos. I feel like these should of sprouted by now? :?


Well-Known Member
Damn seeds were very expensive, I'd hate to ruin these. . Nobody is replying, any input appreciated... :)


Well-Known Member
I read 90% from Jorge Cervantes. So I think its perfect. It makes me feel better that yours took 5 days. . thank you for the reply. :)


Well-Known Member
if u guys want faster and better germ rates just add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to half a cup of water and drop ur beans in. this usually pops them over night and usually 100% pop. amybe its the extra oxygen produced? but it works


Active Member
I had a cfl 23w kind of pointing at my seeds when I germed them, I used the paper towel method. I would give them just enough heat to stay relatively warm.


Well-Known Member
once ur beans pop plant the about 3/4" in ur soil with the tip pointing upward this usually makes a better root mass


Well-Known Member
I had a cfl 23w kind of pointing at my seeds when I germed them, I used the paper towel method. I would give them just enough heat to stay relatively warm.
Does anyone know if I wait for all 6 to sprout before removing the lid and starting the MH light? Or as they sprout remove them seperately under a the MH light. Will they survive as a seedling in the container? And for how long? I think if I see 4 come up I'll pull the lid and place them under the MH Light. Any more suggestions? Thanks for the replies everyone, I really really don't want these expensive beans go to waste!!


Active Member
Buy a horticultural grade heat mat. I recently bought one and it has made a big difference in my op, seeds sprouted faster and more vigorously.


Well-Known Member
I think it comes down to patience? Does it appear everything is ideal germinating conditions? Has anyone used these little green houses and peat discs? Thanks


Active Member
I know exactly what your saying. I paid money for my seeds too and I definitely want them to pop. I have had 3 separate grows in 3 years and all I did was get a paper towel and wet it down with warm water (not soaking wet) then I got a zip lock bag and put like 2 table spoons worth of warm water in it and then I put the a paper towel with the seeds inside and I zipped up the bag. I put the bag on top of my TV, because my TV is warm on top. I put a black towel on top of the zip lock bag to ensure darkness. I left the TV on 24/7 to make sure the seeds would stay warm. My first grow, the seeds popped in like 5 days, my second grow the seeds popped in like 7 days and my current grow my seeds popped in like 5 days.

Check out this link to Greenhouse Seeds -they have good instructions for Germination...

Goose out...


If your having problems, then just try it without a heat mat..

70f temps are perfectly fine, most my seeds sprouted in 2 days and all were at least cracked open by 2 days.. 3 they all had a tail


Active Member
if u guys want faster and better germ rates just add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to half a cup of water and drop ur beans in. this usually pops them over night and usually 100% pop. amybe its the extra oxygen produced? but it works
Agreed, I usually leave them there until they get a larger roots get a pencil and make a hole and drop the root going downwards use only enough soil to cover the seed and I usaully get a sprouts overnight.
if u guys want faster and better germ rates just add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to half a cup of water and drop ur beans in. this usually pops them over night and usually 100% pop. amybe its the extra oxygen produced? but it works

light? can this be left in the open?