Germination, Impatience, Your Practices...


Active Member
I just started my first grow. (Well, I am germinating.) I have been waiting 3 entire days for my 3 seeds to sprout and I'm growing completely impatient and frustrated. It's like being a 5 year old trying to go to sleep on Christmas Eve. I didn't do any special techniques besides wet some Jiffy Pellets and drop the seeds in. I didn't soak the seeds first or anything.

Today is the 3rd full day of waiting. I am right at about 72 hours and still no soil breakage! I pulled the soil back a little using a toothpick to make sure that they had cracked and at the very least a root had started to grow out of the seeds. All 3 have a small root coming out and growing downward.

I guess they look like all is well but does it usually take this long to germ? I was thinking 1 to 3 days for soil breakage. I guess I am wrong.

My questions for you are:

1) What are your techniques for germinating?

2) What is the shortest AND longest you have waiting to see soil breakage?

3) How do you train yourself to have PATIENCE? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Here is the technique that i use

PH some water to 6
Soak the seed for 6hours
Prepare medium
Plant 1/16 inch down and cover with medium
Water the seed into its new home
Place a small clear plastic humidity dome on top
Place under a small CFL on 18/6 and wait.

I have waited 2days to see soil breakage and as long as 7days.

Spark up a doobie and chill out and forget about them.

Just make sure the medium stays moist enough.



Well-Known Member
^What he said. I presoak it for around 24 hours, put it into a peat pellet once it cracks, put the bottom of a 2-liter over it and put it over my cable box for heat. Temperature is very important. The 2 seeds i've germinated have popped in 3 whole days. Just be patient. I read it can take up to 10 days? Impatience will murder your plants.


Active Member
Here is the technique that i use

PH some water to 6
Soak the seed for 6hours
Prepare medium
Plant 1/16 inch down and cover with medium
Water the seed into its new home
Place a small clear plastic humidity dome on top
Place under a small CFL on 18/6 and wait.

I have waited 2days to see soil breakage and as long as 7days.

Spark up a doobie and chill out and forget about them.

Just make sure the medium stays moist enough.

Wow, 7 days? Often or just a couple of times? What would you say your "average" time to see soil breakage is if you had to guess?

Thanks for responding


Active Member
WHOA! I'm telling you man, I am very impatient and have been watching them like a hawk, checking them obsessively. Anyway, I just checked them again and I see a tiny bit of soil breakage on one pellet! YAAAAAHOOOOOO!


Well-Known Member
My average is around 3days to soil breakage but i use coco not soil

The 7 days has only been a couple of times.

On my latest grow i had a 2day a 3 day and 2 4days to breakage.

I am currently waiting on a seed to break ground in some rockwool (first time germing in rockwool) i started it on the 20-july it has a taproot that i can see by slightly opening the rockwool. But other than that i am still waiting. But then this is a little experiment i am doing with a freebie seed from the ATTITUDE DNA ROCKLOCK that i am trying to grow on a 12/12 cycle.



Active Member
I use the paper towel method. Works every time.

Just soak some paper towels, rinse the seeds in there. Put some place dark uncovered in a glass.


The shit just works man!


Well-Known Member
Yep , 3 days is when my 1st ones have started coming thru...and up to 7 days for the last ones. I grow in Hydroton ( clay balls )...and use starter pucks for germinating because I can transplant the whole puck. I don't hear alot of people using this method here, but it gives me about 8 outta 10 almost every time. I use a humididome on a seedling heat mat. I raise the dome up 1 inch off the mat because it is pretty hot. I wet the puck with PH 6 water and drop seed down about 1/8 inch. I spray pucks down every couple hours and keep dome lid on with vents closed. As soon as 1st seedling pops up I open vents on dome 1/4. Then open vents all the way around day 5. This was the way I started and I've did it 6 times now with good results. Good luck.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
What i do is I soak them in R/O water for a few hours and then put them into a wet paper towel. The towel then goes into a baggy that is left slightly open. I then put them on my dvd player and use the warmth it puts off, checking them twice a day and making sure they stay moist. Always make sure the appliance you put them on is not putting out too much heat. If so, they will cook. Try putting a magazine or two in between at first and see how much heat that puts off. Make sure to check them daily, when they sprout, they grow quick with the heat. Also, when taking them out of the towel, do not touch the tap root! I gently hold the seed shell end and already have a small hole in my soil pot ready to put it in, tap root down.



Active Member
I used Root Riot Cubes and had sprouts in 2 days. And at the end of that 2nd day my babys were an 1" long. Root Riot man they're the shit!!!