Germination Lighting/Temp Control


Hey y'all,

Just germinated all 5 blue mystic seeds and transplanted the seeds into a root cube (which is now in the soil).

I've read over a few threads and I'm somewhat confused what amount of light to use on these freshly germinated seeds. Right now, I'm running my 400 watt hps on an 18/6 schedule. It's about 2 1/2 - 3 feet above the pots. Do I need to worry about too much lighting?

Also, my grow box is 5'x2'. I'm using 5 gallon smart pots and I'm worried that when the plants become mature the HPS might be too close to the plants and cause them to burn.

Anyone know about this?

Thanks Y'all.

oh and this guy---->bongsmilie


Active Member
It's alright to use an 400w hps just dont keep it to close then elevate the hps light as needed to keep it from burning make sure temps are correct aswell.

Heres a chart.