Germination prob. Taproots turn brown. ???


Well-Known Member
Been trying to germinate various seeds for the better part of 2 months now. Hitting consistent issue with the seeds starting to germinate and then the tiny taproots turning brown and stop growing.

I am using the papertowel method. Have used both tap water and distilled water. Once put in the p-towels, the damp p-towel with the seeds is then placed in an unused xbox video game case and kept in a warm place (temp ranges from 75-85.

What is this? Help please? I've blown through like $60 worth of seeds already. Will the taproots being exposed to light cause a browning? My xbox case may not be lightproof enough. Could this be some type of infection? Would peroxide work? Any thoughts, suggestions, experience with this issue would SERIOUSLY save my arse here.:wall:


Well-Known Member
The only time I had brown taproots was when I left the seeds in the container for almost 2 weeks and the paper towels dried out causing the taproot to dry out and die.


Well-Known Member
as above...the only time I have also had that happen is when they dried out. in being more careful the second time around, I have so far been able to avoid that again. good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses fellas. I don't think it's drying out as that xbox game case keeps it from losing moisture. Lately, I've taken to changing the p-towel every day and rewetting before I put seeds in. But the drying out suggestion sparked another option that I didn't previously think of. Maybe they're getting cooked? I haven't seen much about the appropriate temperature range for germing seeds yet. I did start all of these seeds right on top of my dvr unit cause it's dark and definately hot in there. Such a small space that I can't take a temperature in there. Thanks for the suggestions.

I currently have 3 seeds germing (since Sunday). 2 have shown the tiniest of taproots. Both taproots look brownish and when I pick them up off of the ptowel, it even leaves a brown spot on the towel. I just took these 3 seeds, poured some peroxide in a shot glass, and dropped them in. It looked like a Guiness in there. Fizzing and bubbling all over the seeds. This leads me to think that there is a strong likelihood of infection (bacterial to be specific). In retrospect, I am handling the seeds with my hands and probably not washing directly before I put them in. I just transplanted to new ptowels (with di water) and am no longer using the xbox game case for fear of not being light proof enough. I put the ptowels on a plate that I covered with a bowl and place in my veg/flower room (runs between 75-85 during the daytime). Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
yea the temp might be a problem. Though in my case, I have always only ever done this using a dark cool (relatively - like 66-70F) room. And I also now try not to disturb them, like checking but once a day only and with care. Hope things work out for ya. we'll keep watching....cheers!