Germination Problem


Active Member
Hi Guys, tnis question probably been asked a million times already loool.

But Can somebody please help with this frustrating problem ?

I soak my seeds in water etc until they crack. then i put into cotton wool until the little shoot appears about 3-5 mm. but i can never get past this point ? my plant always dies ?

is it bad to put out into the sun when sprouts appear (still in cotton wool however) ?

Lost :wall:


Well-Known Member
At what point is it dying? For instance does it never break ground or does it break ground and die a few days later?


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys, tnis question probably been asked a million times already loool.

But Can somebody please help with this frustrating problem ?

I soak my seeds in water etc until they crack. then i put into cotton wool until the little shoot appears about 3-5 mm. but i can never get past this point ? my plant always dies ?

is it bad to put out into the sun when sprouts appear (still in cotton wool however) ?

Lost :wall:
I think it is bad to put sprouts in light. The sprout is a taproot. Light kills roots. IMO you should keep germinating seeds in darkness, then when the taproot appears (about 1/4") plant into soil with the root facing down, and keep it in total darkness until it breaks through the soil...then put it in light.


Active Member
Hey Guys,Thanks for all the help.

Yes i think your must be the light killing them ? everything goes fine until i introduce them to light. so next time should i remove the seeds from the wool and just cover lightly with soil ? or be better to leave in wool ?

Cheers :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,Thanks for all the help.

Yes i think your must be the light killing them ? everything goes fine until i introduce them to light. so next time should i remove the seeds from the wool and just cover lightly with soil ? or be better to leave in wool ?

Cheers :clap:
Bottom line, don't introduce anything to light until it breaks through the surface of the soil. You can germinate in the wool or whatever (a papre towel works fine) as long as its dark and warm. Once the white taproot appears out of the seed, plant it.

Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
The Dr. is on point here. Once the tap root breaks out of the seed drop it into the dirt. Be gentle! Keep the soil warm and dark until the sprout busts through the soil. At this point if you have a humidity dome, put the seedling in there under Flouros 24/0 or if you are going to use HID keep the light 36" (400w) above the seedlings for a few days until they are acclimated to the intensity of the light.

After a few days to a week drop the light as close as you can get to the plants without burning them (12 to 24" without a cool tube for 400w) and Voila Seedlings take off!

Good luck and Happy growing! WD