Germination problems with Dr. Chronic seeds


Active Member

My friend and I recenlty purchased Lowryder #2 seeds from Dr. C.

Well, it's been almost 8 days since the seeds have been planted in the aerogarden and the progress has been pathetic thus far.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The temp is around 85, using small amount of Fox Farm nutrients, humidity is right, ph is around 6.5 and it's recieving 24/7 lighting with 2 fans blowing. Yet, only 1 has made any real progress, which is not saying much.

Could it be the seeds from this particular site? CAn anyone give me any advice as to what I might be doing wrong? thnaks.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well, did you germinate the seeds before you planted them? I have never had a prob with Docs seeds, in fact, all usually pop for me within 24 hours... Could be the breeders seeds are duds, not the Docs fault though.


Active Member
Well, did you germinate the seeds before you planted them? I have never had a prob with Docs seeds, in fact, all usually pop for me within 24 hours... Could be the breeders seeds are duds, not the Docs fault though.
Germinate? Aren't they suppose to do that when you put them in there? IS there a different method you're suppose to use. And I'm not saying it's the doc's fault.


Well-Known Member
dont use nutes yet, ull kill them, all the nutes are already in the seed. how many have popped up?


Well-Known Member
when theyve cracked, thats the first sign of germination, so if theyve all cracked, you should be fine. it is taking a long time, but i wouldnt worry yet. if in two weeks you still have nothing, then worry!
how tall is the first one then?


Active Member
It's very small. The seed has opened up and you can see green with oval shaped leafs. It's not the rigged leafs.


Well-Known Member
well, first comes a little sprout, then leaves, then proper weed shaped leaves.
the latter should take 2-3 days after germination. what light u got?


Active Member
Well, it's an aerogarden, so it uses 3 small fluorescent lights. I just figured that since this is an auto-flowering strain, it would have really made some progress by now. The amount of nutes. used is about 1/3 teaspoon. should I have used the damp towel method before planting the seeds?


Well-Known Member
yeah, i always use that method. germs in 24 hours, nd grows its first leaves within 3. iv had a 100% germ rate too.


Well-Known Member
Its a miracle the seed germinated in a nutrient solution :S

Put them in wet paper and never dig them to deep into the soil and 90% of your seeds will be growing into plants :>