Germination problems


Active Member
ok, i can germ using paper towel method %100. But when i transfer seedlings into my paper cups they almost never sprout up the soil, this is very fustrating. I usually use my careful fingers to pick them up out the paper towel and then put them in the soil. Can someone please tell me what im doing wrong, or give me suggestions?


Sector 5 Moderator
Make sure the soil is moist. The little white tail coming out of the seed is the *root*; make sure you put in in the soil with it going down. Make sure not to cover the seed head more than 1/4" after the root is out. Also, make sure not to pack the dirt over it.
try another germinating process.. warm water in a shot glass and cover it with a dark cup so there is no light.. leave it for about 24-30 hours and plant it root down about 1/4" and water throughly.. NOT TOO MUCH WATER.. ONLY ABOUT 6.5PH. then your seeds gonna need warmth, humidity, and light. try 18/6.. let me know if it works cuz it works for the rest of the world. HA


DON'T touch seedling with hands - use GENTLE tweezers - just barely in hole - very little soil to cover.
I also use root cubes and a heated soil mat under germ box 100% results.
I f*cked around with buying the heated soil investment


also, I mist the grow cubes every couple hours, use a grow box/tent for max humidity, and move then AS SOON as the root tip shows- DO NOT wait for a long tip - maybe 1/4 inch and in they go.


Active Member
thx to all for the quick replys, will use tweasers and only place gently in soil. Should i have light on it right after i place it in? after i place it in but before it sprouts?


Well-Known Member
Try another method just plant them in soil and forget the paper towel method and see how it works out.

Also what kind of soil are you using ? If it has fertilizers added they could be too strong and killing your seedlings.

Depth is the other thing I think I usually plant about an inch deep but can't find my ruler right now to give you an accurate guess.