Germination Question


Ok I m gna use the paper towel method. Once the crack I'm going to put them in the clone dome in rockwool cubes and keep them moist. My question is at what point do I put them under light?


Active Member
i did the paper towel method,

i got a moist paper towel,folded the seed into it and put them in a ziplock baggy.
zipped it in up and put it in my dresser,once rooted i just put it in soil..

i had a bagseed i was germinating with said method, and i forgot about it and it germed + poped the first two set of leaves in the paper towel,while getting no light or oxygen..


Well-Known Member
You are better off skipping the rockwool cube completely if you are starting from seed.
Leave the seedlings in the baggie until they have about a one inch tail. Now they are
ready for dirt. When putting a seedling into dirt be sure and mix some nute water into
the soil so it is moist, not sopping wet. Poke a hole deep enough to cover the tail and plant
with the seedcap just poking through the top of the dirt. Leave in a solo cup for 10-14 days
then repot into the final growing pot. Get 'er done.



Well-Known Member
Just be careful not to break the taproot.Like Steve said if your going into soil/mix you dont need the cube or rapid rooters.If you have flouros hammer them with them because they will stretch.I leave room for more fill or transplant again if I cant keep them short.Havent messed with seeds in awhile Clone Only but Attitude has a promo starting jan 6th and I'm going to be scarfing up the deals.


Well-Known Member
So much effort! I put my seed into soil mix into paper Dixie cups, they sit in the top of my cabinet from 70-80 degrees. They get watered maybe twice and break through the soil in about 5 days. So much hocus pocus these days about planting a seed! No bags, no towels, no fucking with taproots.