Germination to Veg


Well-Known Member
I germinated my seeds for 48 hours using the papertowel trick. I did not overwater and none of them popped. I than planted in my soil in clear cups. I had the light on 18-6 for 48 hours. Nothing sprouted.

I than turned lights off when i realized I do not need light until they sprout. I put clear wrap around the cups to keep water in and they've been sitting in the dark cab for 36 hours. I've noticed the seeds rose to the top of the soil but did not sprout. I buried them 1/4 inchs deep.

Should I keep them in the current condition until all the cups sprout up with the two seeds? What should I do? They are currently in the dark with clear wrap in my night table grow cab. Suggestions please?


Well-Known Member
yeap just keep checking on em...sometimes seeds can be stubborn...sometimes they could be just a dud as well ;) I'd give it another week, and keep them warm!


Well-Known Member
In all cups it seems the seed rose to the top but I checked one and it had tiny roots in the soil. Is it light time or do I wait until they all pop with the 2 leaves? Will they pop the 2 leaves in the cups in darkness?