

Active Member
It has been three days since I hve planted my girls in the soil. I soaked them in water until they cracked and then put them in soil. I just checked and 5 of them look the same as they did as when I put them in. You can look at my journal for all the details and pictures... is this normal? Should I just take them out and put them in paper towels?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it takes time..I'd wait a couple more days... I like the towel method as opposed to the water thing.. Luck..


Active Member
the trick here is to keep them warm they wont grow much if the soil is cold. any more questions send private i myself prefare that method i find it very easy to germinate from a soak and a straight planting. peace


Active Member
soak in cup till they sink, then put them in a wet paper towel till the root starts showing
then plant them, works for me 100 percent of the time, but yeah take them out and put them iside a paper towel till the root is about a quarter inch long that way youll be sure to get a sprout GOOD LUCK


Active Member
Thanks man... I took them out of the soil today and put them in towels and already 2 have signs of growing roots.. after only about 3 hours so thanks! I just wasn't sure if it was safe to take them out of the soil. It sure is funny they are sort of hard to germinate in soil, what they were meant to grow in in the first place.


Well-Known Member
make sure you don't touch the root with your fingers. something about your fingers have too much oil or something. I use a twizer but don't squeez too hard. good luck.


Active Member
Ok well now a few of the seedlings have come up and the stem is green but the seeds have been sitting on top for 2 days... do you think this is normal?


Active Member
try very carefully and take off the seeds shell thats what i did and it worked great just dont pull to hard of you could damage the seedling or you could just leave them for a couple more days and see if they come off naturally