

Active Member
I'm fairly new to this, but have grown 3 plants so far. I generally germinate my seeds in a moist paper towel in a glass, and it seems they take around 3 to 4 days to sprout a little root. I have had some seeds (feminized Himalayan gold) that I purchased from attitude seed co. in a wet towel for about a week now, and nothing. Are these non viable seeds, or do I just need to be a little more patient? Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
Probably bad seeds. Soak seeds in water for 24 hrs and plant them. No matter what they look like plant them.


Well-Known Member
just give them a few more days and see how things go, i have had to wait for 2 weeks sometimes for my seeds to spout, i normal have a tray with small side lay 3 sheets of paper towl on the bottem and wet them with water lay seeds on top then add another 3 layers of moist paper towl and put the under alight or out in the sun and some times just leave them near an open window, i hope this has helped in some way man good luck


Well-Known Member
a good germination method is to buy distilled water and soak your seeds in the water for like 18 to 22 hours, (try not to go over 24 because it can kill the seed from a lack of oxygen) and then put the seed between two thick layers of paper towels and then put that between two of same types of plates to hole in even more moisture, I'll even rap that up into a towel


Active Member
Thanks for the input. I think I will just plant them, they've probably been in those soggy paper towels enough. I've just never had them take this long so I was getting concerned. Thanks again.


Active Member
Just one more thing. Is there a way I can tell if I've killed them, or if they were bad. Would they turn color, or something like that?


Well-Known Member
well if u still having problems make paper towel DAMP not soaking and put in ziplock back seal it and put on a nice warm spot they usualy sprout in 3 days


Active Member
Again, is there any way to tell if they are dead or non viable, other than obviously not sprouting a root? A color change or something?