
hey forum i have a question , ive germinated 4 lowryder seeds as my first grow and i was curious if i potted them right because the seeds started growing as they were suppose to after germination but when i potted them i put the sprout or root or whatever it is that comes out first i put it facing down in the soil did i do it the right way or are they suppose to be facing up? because its been 4-7 days and still no sprouts:leaf:
put the point and the TAPROOT down in the dirt about 2" or so and cover it so it stays warm. 4-7 days and no sprout? my question is why 4-7 days? you need to be exact with your calendar planning.
well sorry maybe i should be more specific its been 6 days will be seven tomarrow , so did i do the right thing by putting the taproots towards the bottom? also i was using a heat lamp not a cfl but i switched to cfl yesterday do you think that was the right thing to do? one more thing i keep soil wet but not soaked correct?

dank nugg

a heat lamp will burn them up especilly seedlings and your suppost to wait till the first inch or so of the soil is dry before you water...