

Active Member
Hello all. Here goes. I have been growing off and on for about 30 years. I grow outdoors, sometimes I have started the seeds outdoors, other times I have started them indoors. The seeds that I used were always the pick of the crop from throughout the year but I always ended up mixing them up...probably cuz I was stoned... One year, with the help of my Oma(grandmother), who babied and tended to my plants in my absence; she bushed out those plants and they still grew high, they were monsters! I know she used to get mushroom soil delivered and she always had a compost pile in the back yard. This shit was SO potent, purple buds with red hairs, you could smell it a block away! It was scary when the wind blew downhill. Anyway, I always had good weed, whether I ended up with 1 female or a dozen. So, I had myself believing that seeds were seeds; with the right care and soil, you could grow excellent weed.....until last year. I had random sh** seeds, 28 plants outside and ended up with 14 females and thought, "This is gonna be great! I'll have bud all season and a few sheckles in my pocket". WRONG! The first 3 females started budding mid-July. The weed was decent herb. The rest of the plants budded all the way into December and the buds were real "airy", a piny, mint smell and they sucked! ALL THAT WORK! This year, I decided to do things right, maybe you guys can help me with this. I unassed the money for 10 G13 Haze, Feminized, from Barney's Farm and they threw in 5 Big Bang seeds. Hopefully, these seeds will be worth what ol' Barney claims them to be. I don't want to screw anything up this year so I'd like to get some imput. I have a solarium, no eyes watching, live in DE, and the fall and early winter are usually mild. How should I germinate these seeds? In paper towels, a seed starter, or some other method? When should I start germinating the seeds and what light do you suggest for the beginning growth stage, artificial hours or natural sunlight? How much? Our last frost is near Easter. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Dude put 'em in a wet paper towel and keep it wet and warm for a few days. once they sprout, put the cracked seeds in small cup or something of that sort with good potting soil. keep 'em watered but not over watered. good Luck man