
quick new to cultivation but i have germinated seeds before, just never followed through with actually planting them...i usually used the damp paper towel method...i found 3 seeds in a bag a few days ago and decided to try to grow a plant for fun to learn and teach myself through trial and error...i started the germination process in the moist paper towel, but then i came across the cup of water i understand that if the seeds sink right away they are no good, but keep in mind they were in the moist paper towel for about 2 days before hand so im hoping thats why they sank so quickly, does that make sense to you guys? instead of the 1 hour of sitting on top of the water making them sink, that the 2 days in the paper towel caused them to sink as soon as they were in the water? thanks in advance for any feedback i appreciate it


Staff member
only do 1 germination process per seed, would be quite silly to do the paper towel method than do the cup method....
obviously im realizing that now, but do you think thats why they sunk? or do u think they are just bad seeds? did i ruin them?
guess im just going to have to wait and see right? i was just wondering if that made sense that thats why they sunk right away

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Ya IDK. I've never used two germ methods for the same seed. You would of been better off throwing it in the dirt after a few days in paper towel.

Just grab a heat pad, paper towels, plates, spray bottle or eye dropper and do this. Germination in 24-30 hours 99% success.



New Member
dont keep them in the cup, it can drown them. put them in the medium youre growing in, and leave them be.

they need darkness to crack, but as soon as they crack, they need light to grow towards.
how long will it take to tell if they actually sprout in the medium? if the plant doesnt emerge from the dirt within how many days?
yeah it did, thanks... i just figured what i was asking was a specific this point im just going to wait and see if they sprout...if not its not the end of the world and ill be more prepared for next time
k if i wait until tomorrow it wont be a big deal right? im still hoping the other 2 will sprout as well and i dont have the pot set up ready to go yet
ive heard people say once they sprout you should put them in a clear 16 ounce cup with the medium so that you can see the roots grow? i can do that 2night for sure, should i do that? or just wait til 2morro and get it set up in a real pot?


Well-Known Member
ive heard people say once they sprout you should put them in a clear 16 ounce cup with the medium so that you can see the roots grow? i can do that 2night for sure, should i do that? or just wait til 2morro and get it set up in a real pot?
I wouldn't use clear cups. Just get your pots set up and transfer them into your soil. Then immediately put it under 18/6.


Well-Known Member
ive heard people say once they sprout you should put them in a clear 16 ounce cup with the medium so that you can see the roots grow? i can do that 2night for sure, should i do that? or just wait til 2morro and get it set up in a real pot?
Put your clear cup inside a red cup. You can keep track of root development and still keep them out of the light.

PS - I tend to think the light on the roots hooplah is kind of a weak theory, another unproven internet "fact" and one other thing for newbies to fret about. I've grown many plants: weed, vegetable and flowers in clear hospital cups. Never experienced a single problem.