

Well-Known Member
I do not think that paper towels for germination are a good idea.
I used them for several years.
I stopped using them a few years ago, and now I simply put the seeds directly into the grow medium, keep it moist and under lights, and wait for them to pop thru the surface.
No need to handle the newly sprouted seed with an exposed and delicate tap root.
Besides it saves a step and is easier.
If anything, I now achieve higher germination rates.

I would not spray with anything as a preventative.

And if the seedling starts to lean or topple over, see if you can move it closer to the light.
99% of them will eventually straighten out and be fine without any support.
Good Luck
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Well-Known Member
Is NEEM OIL the way to go ? Like lots of forums and Internet info there are positives and negatives for every prevention method. One person says this another says that, you just never know. Ive been told that once plants are transferred to big pots that they should be sprayed with a bug type spray early on as a prevention !!!
No trust me, neem oil is the only way to go... Its the safest thing for your plants.. However using anything o fthis sort is never a good idea unless you absolutely have to... ESPECIALLY when in the flowering mode.
RIU Info Of neem Oil