Germing seeds in AG. Help:o


Do i have to cut in the medium or can i just toss the seed up in there?.
One had a baby taproot and the other i didn't even germ. Will they make it?
I put them in yesterday and still haven't seen any results. :o is this normal?. Shld i juss germinate some new ones and try those?
Germinating seeds can take from 24 hours to about 5 days it all depends I actually had one that took a week :P Plant didnt turn out that well as you can guess :P I have no clue what AG is but all I did to germinate was got the seeds placed them with half an inch of space from others on a damp paper towel and put another damp one over top and put them in a cool dark place check on them every 24 hours

Hope this helps :)
I'm new at sprouting the weed, but an expert at the aerogarden. I sprouted the seeds in a ziplock bag with the seeds between a wet paper towel.Lower the aerogarden setting to the lowest setting. Place the bag under the lights.
I was told that they had to sprout in the dark. I didn't do that. I've been using my gardens for over 2 years, but not for (the "devil's lettuce".)
I know very little about this strange weed, but I'm an excellent gardener and so far am having good luck. The trick is in converting from water. Aerogarden
company says "It can"t be done with any plant." I do it all the time. Just keep the plants moist and near the lights.
Aerogarden has a new product called a seed starter. It uses an artificial biodegradable soil. There are 66 holes on it and these (plugs) sit down in the holes.
After you sprout the seeds in a zip lock wait for the first cotyledons(false leaves) then place the sprouted seed into the hole of the artificial soil.
The setting for the garden should be on the tomatoe setting. 16hours on.
I don't know what the real requirements are for marajuana as I really know not msch at all about it. All I know is I taught Science and can grow almost anything.
My best plants now are 2 1/2 inches tall.I have 2 others that are about 1/2 inch. I guess the germination time must be long. I was given 2 different sets of seeds and they each sprouted at different rates.
Hope this helps people wondering about aerogarden growing. butterflymary


Hahah the devil's lettuce :p
But yeah i'll check that seed starter out, i tossed out the old seeds and planted some seeds fully germd' :)
So we'll see what's good. I'm just not really sure if i planted them right :o lol
Thanks butterfly,, goodluck with your babies ;)