Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

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Well-Known Member
al b fuct, have u posted yet what your yield is every 2 weeks dry?
theirs to much pages to go back & find it.


Active Member
Hi Al, Still trying to work out the best way to set up the DWC Sog set up that I am putting together. I am keen to copy your 'clonebox' idea and would look at keeping the ambient temperature at a constant 26.5C with the 30C heat mat. What I am interested in knowing is what temperature the mothers should be kept in.

My plan is to house the Clones and Mothers in the same area above the main flowering area and it would be much easier if they could share a 'micro-atmosphere'. Is this possible or would the compromise be detrimental to both sets of plants? Both sets would be lit by different lights (Floro's and 250HPS) but would not be divided.

Information that I have put together....


Humidity: ?
Temperature: 26.5C


Humidity: ?
Temperature: ?


Humidity: 40C - 50C
Temperature: 25C

Are these reasonable targets or have I misunderstood something?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I wasn't asking you do construct my grow op, I was just looking to see what you thought about the size of my area vs. the items that I have. And if I needed anything else.

The only real questions I asked were-
1. Do you like the floc better then the fytocell? Pros vs Cons.
2. Where to buy in bulk if you know?
3. What strain would you recommend that gives a heavy yield and good high.

Thats all :lol:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
ive got the bottle here.
it says
. add pk13/14 3 weeks before harvesting
Well Al B Fu... err, darned. :lol:

That's exactly what it says. I must have misread it or read it once and promptly got it wrong. :D

Thanks for chasing that down. I'll be dosing tank 3 from now on instead of tank 2. :)

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
What I am interested in knowing is what temperature the mothers should be kept in.

My plan is to house the Clones and Mothers in the same area above the main flowering area and it would be much easier if they could share a 'micro-atmosphere'. Is this possible or would the compromise be detrimental to both sets of plants? Both sets would be lit by different lights (Floro's and 250HPS) but would not be divided.
Clones don't want as much air flow & circulation as as the mums. You'll have a hard time keeping the clones' cubes at the right temp if there's a circ fan blowing on them. That's why I have a separate clonebox and mother plant area.

Information that I have put together....


Humidity: ? 50-60%
Temperature: 26.5C 26-28C


Humidity: ? 30-50%
Temperature: ? 24-26C


Humidity: 40C - 50C 30-50%
Temperature: 25C 24-26C
my notes in red.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I wasn't asking you do construct my grow op
I know you didn't- I was just making a general comment.

I was just looking to see what you thought about the size of my area vs. the items that I have. And if I needed anything else.
Sorry, I missed your post. Every once in a while I get a flood of posts in the thread and they get past me. Fewer get past me now that I'm not getting 20 PMs a day, tho. ;)

Not sure what you're doing with your 80 & 465CFM blowers. Is the 80 used as an intake?

The only real questions I asked were-
1. Do you like the floc better then the fytocell? Pros vs Cons.
2. Where to buy in bulk if you know?
3. What strain would you recommend that gives a heavy yield and good high.
Floc holds too much water but pots filled only with fytocell have a tendency to float. Fytocell holds a lot more air than floc and roots seem to weave all the way through the stuff, where floc tends to have roots develop around the outside of the mass of medium. Fytocell is a crumbled foam and escapes the pot drain holes, as well. I tried putting a knee-hi stocking over the pots- that stopped the crumbs getting out but didn't stop the pots floating. I have taken to tightly packing about 25-50mm of floc in the bottom of each pot. This stops the crumbs from escaping and the weight of the water in the floc keeps the pots from floating.

Fytocell is a fairly new product- you may have to ask your local hydro shop to order some in or search for it on online shops.

Any strain will work in SoG but predominantly indica types tend to yield more weight. I've used Sweet Tooth #4 (Spice of Life Seeds) for several years now, quite happy with it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I don't know if you have talked about this before, but u have any other favorites fuct? strains and or banks?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
whats comprable to sweet tooth#4? cant get that one in the americas
yeah, I don't know if you have talked about this before, but u have any other favorites fuct? strains and or banks?
Just look for strains labelled as being indica dominant. I've also grown LUI, Skunk #1 and several other indica dom strains, but ST4 has some useful advantages, particularly with mould resistance, while still making massive buddage.

I haven't bought seeds in more than 7 years, so I just can't offer any useful advice on sellers and seedbanks, sorry.


Well-Known Member
fuct, i may have asked this already but have you tried Scrog? seems like you would be very good at it

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
ScrOG is too fiddly and requires veg time on the plants to be flowered. SoG makes more bud with less fooling around in less time.


Well-Known Member
question al b. fuct, we are thinking doing a very simular setup. but maybe going with 3by4 tables instead of 4by4.
now i believe ua re using a 1000w over each table right? cause we are worried abotu that manyy watts, ect..

cause we were thinking getting 2 1000w lights at first. then decided on 3 600w lights.
why 3 smaller lights, cause if we put all the trays in a row touching 1 another 3 light will cover the 12 ft span better, or are we wrong? what do u think?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
question al b. fuct, we are thinking doing a very simular setup. but maybe going with 3by4 tables instead of 4by4.
When I wrote the initial post in this thread, I thought my trays were 4x4'. They're not! I'd never measured them. They looked like 4'x4'! :lol:

They are actually 820mm^2 or 2.7'^2 (about 2'8"^2).

i believe ua re using a 1000w over each table right?
I have four trays and 2x 1000 HPS. Each 1000 lights a pair of trays.
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