getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016


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Well-Known Member
Ah dang that's to bad.

We're you going to make the spring or.fall bbq again? I'd still love to do some seed swaps, and chat some more, and I'm still dreaming about that delicious seed food!


na smidge I just eat a cookie and roll a few joints and tinker in the greenhouse on days like this only problem is ya have to shovel the snow away from the sidewalls so the snow slidding off the roof has a place to go or it builds up and makes an igloo out of it h. Don't have to worry about food spoiling either if ya wanna leave it out for a bit makes it kinda nice if ya want to take your time cooking outside. Then again probably not to many of us like to cook out in stuff like myself




Well-Known Member
the first seeder is done its our 1/2 joint( red dragon x sea level ) which doesn't mold here and is very stoney with rock hard buds and a nice hazey flavor done mid /late sept crossed with nuggs lemon skunk got 200 beans off a 2 ft plant and have 3 more plants of this strain to go so 600 - 800 beans of this new strain so far so good



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ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
after breeding lots of strains for over 15 years now we got 12 strains that all work great here in this shitty climate ( wet ,short, cold ) and finish with quality bud its good to get to keep what ya grow not watch it melt at the end like most strains do here that we have tried over the years .
For sure man instead of moving house you and mumma have adapted to the conditions and created seeds to do the same