getawaymountain 16/17 seeders

When shit settles for me here and I get back into the groove with work and everything else I am gonna order them all and will get someone to ship them to me here. Me and my younger brother havent spoken in months, little fuckwit bastard pulled some shit. Anyway, such is life
Random inquiry, I have some beautiful males that are still in veg under 24 hours light but they are showing sec already, just checked today and one of my sea levels dropped pollen from s few sacs. My buddy told me he never uses the first male to pop as it may not be stable. It is a beautiful stud so I don't wanna cull it. Any thoughts?
Any info on thc/cbd levels of getaway strains?
I dont think anyone has had them tested but I could be wrong. In my humble opinion numbers dont mean fuck, cuse my french ;). testing is a way for companies to make money and charge money, plain and simple. I know there are plenty others who think its so great, but what did we do when we didnt have testing, we tested ourselves....I for one, will continue to go this route
Random inquiry, I have some beautiful males that are still in veg under 24 hours light but they are showing sec already, just checked today and one of my sea levels dropped pollen from s few sacs. My buddy told me he never uses the first male to pop as it may not be stable. It is a beautiful stud so I don't wanna cull it. Any thoughts?
SubCool over on his weed nerd channel says the first male to show sex isn't as potent as later ones. Since I check on mine once a week, I often don't know exactly what showed first, so I go by structure, over all health and stem rub smells.