Gettin the herbz thru Airport Security

dood if you want herb from amesterdam just buy some seeds while your over there from a coffee shop somewhere throw the bag of em into a bottle of shampoo or something and mail it via fed ex home. Seeds dont smell like herb... i doubt you would get caught for seeds even if you had them in your baggage in the underside of the plane you just have to put them in something that disguises their shape. Hence shampoo. I wonder if dogs can smell through liquids? Peanut butter i consider a solid. Trying to mail herb from one COUNTRY to another one is asking for trouble now if you were talkin like from one state to another inside the US i would say no problem. But i wont tell you how to do it your on your own their im not giving up my secrets on that one
I'm not trying to help this dude do shit . . . think this post is bogus to begin with . . . just trying to have some fun . . . come one, "PB on a dog's ass" is funny!
You should do a little research on drug dogs. There is even some information on here about them. You really thick our noses even come close to police dogs? Can you smell out dark spilled kibble on a carpet floor at night? How about an eigth up a dudes ass?

Jars may be smell proof to us but they are permeable and given time enough smell leaks out for dogs to smell.

The reason this works is because when most bags are checked they are checked by humans, not dogs. Only something like 70% of international mail is even checked.

If they use the electronic sniffers your even more fucked.

Foot you beat me to it

its ok like the other guys said probably fake thread anyways haha
Sorry dude I missed the Broke Back Mountain comment . . . Midnight Express is Oliver Stones first movie (a great one) . . . true story about a young guy trying to smuggle hash from Turkey back to the states. He gets busted and spends ten years so in a really nasty prison in Turkey . . . prison, gay ppl . . . its not hard to put it all together lol.

+rep to you my friend!
Sorry dude I missed the Broke Back Mountain comment . . . Midnight Express is Oliver Stones first movie (a great one) . . . true story about a young guy trying to smuggle hash from Turkey back to the states. He gets busted and spends ten years so in a really nasty prison in Turkey . . . prison, gay ppl . . . its not hard to put it all together lol.

+rep to you my friend!

Guess im thinking of a different movie lol.....the movie im thinking of was about an accountant that is wanted and a bounty hunter that has to get him back before his cought by other bad guys tying to kill him lol what movie im i talking about then?

is it "midnight run" maybe
I say be different, hide it out in the open! Buy a cheap coat, and go out into the forest, collect a ton of branches and leaves and stuff. Then sew it all over your coat, with a liberal helping of buds mixed in to look inconspicuous. Tell the TSA people it's the newest fashion, and you can take it off if it's in the way of them fondling your balls or taking nudie pics :)
I say be different, hide it out in the open! Buy a cheap coat, and go out into the forest, collect a ton of branches and leaves and stuff. Then sew it all over your coat, with a liberal helping of buds mixed in to look inconspicuous. Tell the TSA people it's the newest fashion, and you can take it off if it's in the way of them fondling your balls or taking nudie pics :)

fucking awesome +rep

aww I guess I already gave you rep on another post... won't let me again =(
Guess im thinking of a different movie lol.....the movie im thinking of was about an accountant that is wanted and a bounty hunter that has to get him back before his cought by other bad guys tying to kill him lol what movie im i talking about then?

is it "midnight run" maybe

Yep, Express is Existential, Run is a comedy . . . Broke Back is a man-love story (although I thought that shit look like rape to me), but then again, I aint gay lol.
wrap it in bounce sheets(fabric softener sheets) put in zip lock, squeeze out all air, wrap in bounce again, squeeze air, put it in another zip lock. wrap it in a pair of jeans. check that bitch! not suggesting you try this with more than an oz.
[1st off I am not telling you to do this and in no way condone it!!!] If its a small amount wrap it in clingfilm, Put it in an air tight baggy + squeeze as much air out as humanly possible, super-glue the seal shut then...half empty a can of Black Treacle, place in the baggy + stash and then re-add the remaing Black Treacle. No smell will excape!!!, then keep the can fridge cold to harden the Treacle up :), then wash the can/s with boiling water to remove any possible contact with the 'erb! then buy a few more tins and wash them in the same way so there is no difference in packaging smell, return them all to fridge temp. Box them up and mail them via Fed-Ex man! - STELTHY :leaf:
wrap it in bounce sheets(fabric softener sheets) put in zip lock, squeeze out all air, wrap in bounce again, squeeze air, put it in another zip lock. wrap it in a pair of jeans. check that bitch! not suggesting you try this with more than an oz.

do all that and you will have a nice fesh smelling suitcase.....too bad it wont help with the dogs
[1st off I am not telling you to do this and in no way condone it!!!] If its a small amount wrap it in clingfilm, Put it in an air tight baggy + squeeze as much air out as humanly possible, super-glue the seal shut then...half empty a can of Black Treacle, place in the baggy + stash and then re-add the remaing Black Treacle. No smell will excape!!!, then keep the can fridge cold to harden the Treacle up :), then wash the can/s with boiling water to remove any possible contact with the 'erb! then buy a few more tins and wash them in the same way so there is no difference in packaging smell, return them all to fridge temp. Box them up and mail them via Fed-Ex man! - STELTHY :leaf:

still wont stop the dogs but sounds cool