hey phreakygoat, i got a lot of questions.
1) i dont have any medical records, so im planning to go to my doctor soon for my on and off wrist pain i got from breaking my fall with my hand a few yrs ago.
2) should i ask my doc to prescribe me some pain med so i can take it to medicann?
3) could i go to medicann the very next day for my evaluation or should i wait?
4) what do the doctor at medicann actually do when ur being evaluated?
5) im just scare that my one day medical record for wrist pain wont be enough for a recommendation and waste 150$ just for an evaluation.
hey zebra, great questions... i just helped some real life friends get their rec with this following method, through medicann of course. lets get you set up:
1) it would be easier for you to tell your doctor that you have a 'repetetive stress injury' in your wrists, then the doctor will prescribe ibuprofen usually. you can say the injury is from work (you can say you work at a coffee shop or in shipping/recieving), don't say its for workers comp. tell the doctor you need a note for your boss that is signed (reason: 'so i can get excused from certain tasks'). alternatives: back pain, insomnia, migraines, etc.
2) the medicann paperwork that you fill out in their clinic will ask if you replace any medications with cannabis. this is a great time to say that ibuprofen gives you nausea, so cannabis best suites your medical needs.
3) when i got my card
i went to my doctor in the morning and medicann in the afternoon, productive ass day. do it up!
4) when you get to the clinic and check in, you'll get some paperwork to fill out. it'll ask you how much you smoke, what your symptoms are (try to stick to the symptoms on your paperwork) and how you intake cannabis. try to be relatively honest, they really don't care all that much what you write as long as you check the symptom box "
the doc is going to first check your blood pressure. if its too high, they'll tell you to reschedule your appt (you wont have to pay again, don't worry). then they'll review your paperwork, comment on it a little, and they're gonna ask you about your symptoms and why cannabis works best for your medical ailments. this is a fine time to mention that cannabis helps you relax or helps you poo or whatever supplemental information if you want. either way,
it wont matter cause you'll leave the office with a recomendation in hand, i guarantee.
5) dude, the doctor at medicann
wants you to have the card. you are paying to have it, they'll only deny you if you dont have paperwork or your blood pressure is too high. they don't give a shit whats wrong with you, they are perfectly happy buying expensive whores with your hard earned cash. and hey, you need to renew your card every year, so you'll keep bringing them more whore money. its 150$ btw, then 95 a year after.
so have fun, and please post if you have any questions or are confused by what i said... or when you get medical.