getting a good salvia trip?


Well-Known Member
Achilles I had very similar trips concerning the pins and needles very uncomfortable, and the mosaic! I took a bong hit of it in a friends room leaning my head against a wall, the whole room started spinning and became mosaic like until it swirled to tight and i felt my head go thru the wall and i was looking into a tunnel inside the wall! It's so scary taking a hit and looking at other people and they don't say anything and shit just goes crazy, but if they do talk to you you will get very very annoyed and be in more pain, the best thing to do is take the hit and as soon as you feel goofy, START LAUGHING, like when your trippin shrooms just take the feeling and make it into something funny. Thats what i did the first time cause i was so surprised it worked, then i felt a lil uneasy when i couldnt feel comfortable sitting or standing.

And also the anti-depressants/psychotics i think have some effect on it, I saw a friend take like 4 bong rips to my 1 and he still was like wtf is wrong with you guys.


Well-Known Member
The first and only time I've ever "tripped" (I don't even want to call a salvia experience a trip tho) was TERRIFYING! I mean, I've tried to push my limits as much as I could so far with dose and to some extent with shrooms, and none of those came even close to scaring me to the point that salvia did. It wasn't just an out of body experience... it was a "out of my body and dimension but stuck into another body and dimension and then trapped between the two" experience that seemed to last forever but was only like 15 minutes long... afterwards I was nervous almost to the point of being scared about going back in my room (which I'd RUN from after I "came to") and smoking bowls, thinking I wa going to get relaunched to where I was. I'll never try that shit again.
Don't get me wrong, I can definetly see the value in it as an entheogen or similar use, but i think you've got to be a certain kind of person to enjoy that.


Active Member
i tried salvia for the first time ever today and it was fucked. id never done it before and i had over .15 of "salvia titanium" (or at least thats what it said on the pack). i smoked it in 2 tokes, held them for both in for 20 seconds got real dizzy, sat down started to trip out for what felt like around 10 or 15 seconds, but was somehow like 15 minutes


Well-Known Member
When I smoked it everything started going in slow motion. Think of the movie Old School when Will Ferrell shoots himself with the rhino tranq. Exactly like that. The best part was I was listening to NIN- Beside You In Time (a really trippy song).