Getting bad. Final weeks of flower.

Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
I can't figure this out and it's starting to get bad. It started as some minor spotting and yellowing so I gave her a bump in calmag but the problem persisted.
About a month ago, I noticed she wasn't taking in any nutes. The run off was around 2k so I fed plain water for a bit. The nutrient intake went back to normal but the spotting never stopped. Now they're blotches of dead spots (looks rusty/brown in color) and I think it's beginning to effect my sugar leaves.
Also, the pot seems to be drying a lot slower than usual now. It's been 4 days since i've watered and it's still pretty moist an inch into the surface. It almost feels compact.
Could it be root rot or soil being too compact?

Soil : 60% BlackGold Potting soil / 40% Black Magic Potting Soil

Temp : 68-75

Humidity : 55%-60% (The humidity is bad and I can't seem to make it drop. I've bought a dehumidifier but it's still bad.)

She's in the final weeks now. Most of the trich's are becoming cloudy. I feel like this issue greatly impacted the growth of my buds.


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Just stop watering them until they are fully dry. It's not really a big deal but it can turn into one. I'm going to take a guess as to what's going on but I could be wrong.

My guess is that your fairly new and dont know the rates the plant drinks water at differant stages, got used to how fast it drinks in the end of veg and first weeks flower, and weeks 5/6 of flower. Then as the end came and the plant naturally drinks a lot less you still watered a little more than the plant wanted, maybe even just adding water 1 time when it wasnt dried out. Now here you are and the soil is still moist several days later.

That's just how it goes, water does taper off at the end and you need to be sure you dont over water it. Do everything you can to lower the humidity, it's important now more than ever.
Just stop watering them until they are fully dry. It's not really a big deal but it can turn into one. I'm going to take a guess as to what's going on but I could be wrong.

My guess is that your fairly new and dont know the rates the plant drinks water at differant stages, got used to how fast it drinks in the end of veg and first weeks flower, and weeks 5/6 of flower. Then as the end came and the plant naturally drinks a lot less you still watered a little more than the plant wanted, maybe even just adding water 1 time when it wasnt dried out. Now here you are and the soil is still moist several days later.

That's just how it goes, water does taper off at the end and you need to be sure you dont over water it. Do everything you can to lower the humidity, it's important now more than ever.
I never knew they drink less water during the final weeks, makes me feel a little better. I'm not sure how to bring the humidity down any further tho. I might just buy another dehu. The exhaust fan is maxed,
If she is finally in her last weeks ... I would just ride it out til chop.
No sense trying to do any major corrections this far into flower.
Leaves would not repair anyways . I would clip the most severe ones ( so it doesn’t waste energy on them ).

Some good looking chunk on them , leaves are level and accepting light , so I say just ride it out.
If she is finally in her last weeks ... I would just ride it out til chop.
No sense trying to do any major corrections this far into flower.
Leaves would not repair anyways . I would clip the most severe ones ( so it doesn’t waste energy on them ).

Some good looking chunk on them , leaves are level and accepting light , so I say just ride it out.
The problem with removing any more leaf is the plant will transpire less and take even longer to dry. Theres no problem here, the plant is pulling nutrient it needs from where it doesnt need them (the leaf) and putting them where it does (the bud) removing them cant help only hurt.
I never knew they drink less water during the final weeks, makes me feel a little better. I'm not sure how to bring the humidity down any further tho. I might just buy another dehu. The exhaust fan is maxed,
Best to buy another dehum. What's yours rated at? I'd recommend one that can pull at least a couple gallons of water per day, it may seem expensive to drop 300 on a dehumidifier that can pull 60 points a day, but in reality even for small grows its money well spent. Large growers will spend much much more than that even.

The cost of losing a crop to mold, or home repairs make that money spent on a dehum look like nothing.
If she is finally in her last weeks ... I would just ride it out til chop.
No sense trying to do any major corrections this far into flower.
Leaves would not repair anyways . I would clip the most severe ones ( so it doesn’t waste energy on them ).

Some good looking chunk on them , leaves are level and accepting light , so I say just ride it out.
The problem with removing any more leaf is the plant will transpire less and take even longer to dry. Theres no problem here, the plant is pulling nutrient it needs from where it doesnt need them (the leaf) and putting them where it does (the bud) removing them cant help only hurt.

Best to buy another dehum. What's yours rated at? I'd recommend one that can pull at least a couple gallons of water per day, it may seem expensive to drop 300 on a dehumidifier that can pull 60 points a day, but in reality even for small grows its money well spent. Large growers will spend much much more than that even.

The cost of losing a crop to mold, or home repairs make that money spent on a dehum look like nothing.
Is there anything I should keep in mind when cutting, hanging, drying, and curing the buds? My main concern is humidity and mold. Is it as simple as cutting, hanging for a couple weeks and putting them into mason jars? I’d have the exhaust fan running 24/7 when hanging/drying and I’ll have a rotating fan in the tent as well. Im just not sure what to expect for humidity levels. I’d like to cut, hang, and forget about it for a week or two but I’m sure it’s not that simple.
Also, I’m assuming there’s great risk in getting mold in those tiny mason jars. Is there a special process for burping or do I just open the lid every so often?
Thanks for the help fellas
I only mentioned the most severe leaf. Those with the heaviest brown ( necrotic ) .

As far as drying ... try for slow controlled drying. Temps around 60-70° , RH between 40-60%.
A fan can be used but not directly on buds. A light movement of air . Not sure if you plan to wet trim , but try to keep hanging buds with some space between them. You want keep things under control so you can preserve the terpenes that may evaporate if temps are too high.

Drying can take between 3-10 days , I would put a hygrometer in your drying area so you can monitor both ambient temp and Rh of area you chose to dry in.
Is there anything I should keep in mind when cutting, hanging, drying, and curing the buds? My main concern is humidity and mold. Is it as simple as cutting, hanging for a couple weeks and putting them into mason jars? I’d have the exhaust fan running 24/7 when hanging/drying and I’ll have a rotating fan in the tent as well. Im just not sure what to expect for humidity levels. I’d like to cut, hang, and forget about it for a week or two but I’m sure it’s not that simple.
Also, I’m assuming there’s great risk in getting mold in those tiny mason jars. Is there a special process for burping or do I just open the lid every so often?
Thanks for the help fellas
It's pretty much that simple actually. If you cut large branches and knock of as many of the largest leaves you can easily get to then hang em upside down for 2 weeks your fine. Leaving some leaf on there helps to protect them from over drying, I've left em for over a month like that and seen no problem at all.
I like to cure in the single largest container possible several small jars have been a worse situation for me.
I also prefer to cure in Turkey bags because I can easily get my hand in there and mix it up and know exactly what's going on. I've had the bottoms of jars mold a few times and that ruins everything, while the tops of those jars appeared fine.
So quick question, I've browsed a few threads here trying to find answers. Many have the same symptoms, spots, dying, yellowing, ECT. Mine are identical in damage. So my question, is it deficenty or toxicity?
So quick question, I've browsed a few threads here trying to find answers. Many have the same symptoms, spots, dying, yellowing, ECT. Mine are identical in damage. So my question, is it deficenty or toxicity?

Deficiencies can be caused by the use of too much nutrients. Many people exasperate an issue by dumping everything but the kitchen sink on their plants. Proper feeding from the beginning will eliminate almost all issues people have that are nutrient related.

should i remove large leaves in week 2 of flower

What purpose would that serve? The myth that the plant will reroute energy from the leaves to the buds is just that, a myth.
The myth that the plant will reroute energy from the leaves to the buds is just that, a myth.

Not that I disagree with this outlook but do you have any data to back up this assertion? I'm getting a little sceptical of all the seat of the pants opinions, not that yours is at all!
Not that I disagree with this outlook but do you have any data to back up this assertion? I'm getting a little sceptical of all the seat of the pants opinions, not that yours is at all!
Why wouldnt the assumption be that the plant wastes energy healing the chopped leaves and producing new ones?
I am not against trimming, just the silly assertion that by cutting leaves the plant grows bigger buds instead.
Why wouldnt the assumption be that the plant wastes energy healing the chopped leaves and producing new ones?
I am not against trimming, just the silly assertion that by cutting leaves the plant grows bigger buds instead.


Perhaps people are coming to this conclusion based on the number of tops a plant has effecting the final said size of those tops. Not that the two can be used to reference one another but I can see the stretch to get there not that it's true or not.

Doesn't cannabis stop growing sun leaves during flowering?