Getting Busted on Forum's!

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Some where on this forum I saw a thread on getting busted. Ijust want to add a couple of thoughts to this getting busted stuff.

1. Don't take pictures of your hands - New technology can use those pics to get a good sample of your finger prints. Duh~

2. Don't list any websites you own unless you have some kind of privacy shield for it. Just ask RollItUp and Garden Knowm they have it in place and so should you! Duh~

3. Don't take pictures of your personal stuff - Like say a pic of your office. To the trained eye and with the graphic technology where it is today, you can and will get busted. Duh~


New Member
Government law enforcement agencies have the funding, and man power to head a task force dedicated to catching people that grow cannabis through internet forums?

BB, are you there? You're winning the war BB. Soon, we will be all yours.


New Member
I've been posting on cannabis sites for years and have yet to see one person busted as a direct result of posting on the Internet. Don't get me wrong, I've seen them busted, but not for posting on any site.



Well-Known Member
I've been posting on cannabis sites for years and have yet to see one person busted as a direct result of posting on the Internet. Don't get me wrong, I've seen them busted, but not for posting on any site.

i hope they dont fucking read them,i have said some terrible things about the australian filth,and if they can read,i did not mean a word of it,i made it all up to appease the people on this drugged out site,i really ,really love the boys in blue,and i watch the bill,so there you go i support you all the way,that is assuming you can read this,if not ,go fuck a redback spider.


New Member
If I was worried, I wouldn't be on here.

The Government and it's Protection Racket use intimidation and fear to prevent people from doing what they shouldn't. I'm not that easy to catch.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the fellow who started this thread means well... but I'm also pretty fucking sure that you can't get a fingerprint from a photo of a finger... I would certainly like some of whatever he's been smokin'....


Active Member
I was gonna buy some lights from a guy on the internet. he knows my real name and where i live, and now he won't return my messages. makes me paranoid that he is a fed who just wanted to get my location.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Oop's! Looks like I opened up a can of worms here! lol
My point was don't make it easy for the Feds. They might not be watching these forums or the internet, but your leaving a trail which makes it easier for them to prosicute you should they ever wish too, and all because a ex-wife/girlfriend turned you or something like that! lol Leave No Trails Is My Motto!


Well-Known Member
So what are you worried about getting busted on here?
because i value my right to remaining free. if you havent noticed 'The Bush' is out there. besides all these extra lengths we take to keep our neighbors at bay, who is to say that one day Dateline wont start airing 'To Catch a Grower...'

"hey im just mixing my nutrients go ahead and jump in the jacuzzi, ill be right out!"-:-?

just be smarter than those guys who right Law & Order and youll thank me in 20 to 25 when your still growing your own.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna buy some lights from a guy on the internet. he knows my real name and where i live, and now he won't return my messages. makes me paranoid that he is a fed who just wanted to get my location.

maybe he thinks the same about you....

oh and i almost forgot... Never deliver directly to your grow house location!!!!! BESMART


Well-Known Member
YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM...when it comes to drugs...when they let you march on 4/20, it's only a show...nothing more.
I wouldnt post any pictures or anything saying you have or are growing any marjiuana. Many sites that host forums often keep logs of ISP (Internet Service Provider) numbers, which can link directly to your computer. But I also highly doubt that the CSI, FBI, or any other people are going to chase your ass down for owning 3 plants, dont trip. There looking for things a little bigger than that.