Getting Busted on Forum's!


Well-Known Member
I figure if you are that dang paranoid about it, get a false I.P. Address and then lie about everything personal on a fake name account, and dont get to persona about anything on here to protect you from anything... Ok, if anything is weird in the comment, i apologize, it took a minute to write the thing and it is hard to type... I Are Baked... PEACE. ( Thats for the police watching our thread right now...:blsmoke: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :weed: :weed: :weed: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: )



Well-Known Member
unless your showing off your 100 plant crop i doubt the piggers would really be that determin. and like screpter said. Easy to get a few firewalls and a router then just get some stealth ip block software.


Active Member
Seen this on the forums somewhere...Seems pretty relevant to number 3 o_O


Active Member
Also didnt some guy get busted because he was posting shit on youtube about his grow and his reflection popped up on the mylar?


Well-Known Member
bored today Kinetic? lol. this one is a gray haired old lady of a thread.....06. you should be an excavator or on those new artifact digging shows. :razz:


New Member
I've been posting on cannabis sites for years and have yet to see one person busted as a direct result of posting on the Internet. Don't get me wrong, I've seen them busted, but not for posting on any site.

Noobs be paranoid.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kinetic again.

And, I had the perfect rep comment all thought up.