Getting caught by a neighbor.


Well-Known Member
Friday afternoon I stopped by my parents house to feed their dog.

And decided to do what any responsible stoner would do I rolled a fat joint and smoked it.

Getting good and blazed and about half way through this fire I was good and buzzed and thinking about the amazing quality of this bud...or maybe just really high because I haven't smoked all week.

My parents next door neighbor a Pentecostal preacher BTW came busting through the gate and walked right over to me and started yelling at me and then ran off to go call the cops on me for a fucking joint. Claiming that he could "smell" it in his yard.

So I set my pack of papers on fire and ran inside to flush down the joint.

Went back outside sat back down in the same spot and lit up a cig.

The police came to his house I could hear them telling there was nothing they could do about a smell. Did he have any proff?

He told them to go look I was still smoking it.

They walked into his back yard and looked through a hole in the fence and told him not to waste their time again.

So he decided to tell my father.

To my surprise my dad cussed him out for going into our back yard and then said to him and I quote "I don't give a God damned if he was out there shooting heroine we have lived here 22 years how dare you call the police on my son"

He later told me "if you are going to do that go out in the country or cook something with it that smoke travels."


Well-Known Member
its so nice when your parents are cool about weed. My dad walks in my room after I've smoked a bowl or something and goes "what's that smell?" and I'm like, "uh, incense" and he's like "riiiiiight, gotcha". I love it.


Well-Known Member
He isn't really cool with it, he doesn't want me to do it at all really but he figures I will anyway as he did around my age so he doesn't say much.

He thinks it'd harmless but illegal and it's the illegal part that gets to him he doesn't want me to ruin my life with a drug charge.


Well-Known Member
I am with your Dad...I would of been pissed too if a neighbor called the police over something so petty. What a jerk. Glad you didn't get into trouble.:weed:

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
wait until the preacher is out one day---pick the lock, get on his computer and download all kinds of child porn to his computer---wait about three months---then call the cops on him---destroy the bastard. Or just let it go :)


Well-Known Member
ya that is pretty lame. next summer go over there and cuss out that guy for his flowers smelling up your yard. LOL
what a joke..


Well-Known Member
What makes me sick is this guy is a preacher. How can he call himself a man of god and find comfort in trying to ruin someones life?


Well-Known Member
wait until the preacher is out one day---pick the lock, get on his computer and download all kinds of child porn to his computer---wait about three months---then call the cops on him---destroy the bastard. Or just let it go :)
Let it go, although he did tell me to "give me the marijuana cigarette" suppose that I had.

The police come I swear that he was in my parents back yard smoking and when I caught him he ran away.

I've made him look like a paranoid buffoon that's enough only my father and I know the truth.


Well-Known Member
lol nice man, its good when ya have ur old man on ur side mankes life a hell of alot easyr


Well-Known Member
wait until the preacher is out one day---pick the lock, get on his computer and download all kinds of child porn to his computer---wait about three months---then call the cops on him---destroy the bastard. Or just let it go :)

wow dude.. you're all about the heavy shit!! :).. i'd hate to be on the other side of you.. but then again.. i guess you are the one who brings the justice.. :)


Well-Known Member
personally.. i've smoked with my dad.. he's cool as shit..

just tells me to be careful when doing such things.. my 'rents have always been very cool.. mom.. eh.. not so much, but she doesn't bring the hammer down either.. just talks about it.. telling me to chill.. that i need to enjoy life.. :).. i'm like.. that's what i'm doing mom.. ;)..


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
your dad said he's lived there 22 years ? don't take advantage of his overlooking this. he still has to live with these people no matter how miserable they may be . cool as shit though looking forward to fathers day?


Well-Known Member
Yes my parents have lived in this house since I was about a year old, 22 years.

I think about that to my parents living here. I think that's what pissed him off the most was that he thought he knew the guy, my dad never turned in his son Brent for doing the same thing. So why turn me in?

But what should I do? Like you said they have to live next to each other I don't want to make things worse they did get along until this happened.

Unless I'd broken into their house I did nothing that would be worthy of calling the police over here.

I was in my parents yard not his.

I go over there several times a week it's on my way from work and they have cable.


Active Member
it is sick when you parents are straight with it. me and my dad burn together, and my mom helps me grow my plants lol

my whole neighborhood (gated community) pretty much smokes, my dad burns with the guy two house down, right next door, the whole family smokes.
i think those very few people now a days that take pot serious. its advcertised bad, but in all reality, in my experience, almost everyone smokes. give or take where you live. but i live in a gated community. im sure its a statistic that wont ever be a true statistic