Getting caught


Active Member
I need to know what would happen and i get caught with an empty bong and weed. and i have a cannabis card im in california


Well-Known Member
Well Im no expert at all specally with the MM but with a MMC wouldnt you be all ok ...unless you broke there simply rules which i think is you have to do it in the privacy of your own house and other stuff like that


Well-Known Member
Well, you could get a cop that is pissed off at the world that decides to interpret the rules his own way. That could be trouble for the short term, but would iron itself out pretty quick.

Most likely you would show them your recommendation and as long as it was just in your car, they would bid you drive safe and have a nice day.

Your card is the one issued by the county, or is it issued by your doctor?


Active Member
its issued by the doctor for the whole state. i guess the outcome of getting caught can go both ways....i just hope they let it pass.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking that with a doctor's note laws would atleast be as tough as those for open liquor accessable.. Stuff like that goes in the trunk for oh so many reasons..


Well-Known Member
look the doctor card is the same as a doc recomentdation a county card is completely different already verified some cops can be dicks but most will say have u been smoking awnser no not today. they might hold u till they confirm ur a real mm patient make sure the bong doesnt have water in it and the bowels isnt warm from smoking and hatch or not make sure the bong is convered with a towel or something but if you can help it dont drive around with it worse case they take ur bong and write u a ticket for poesstion u go to court and case is dismissed. but with all the current things going on i doubt they will bother and i dont think there is a paraphniela or resin law in ca more unsure about the resin law good luck


Well-Known Member
I would guess if LEO finds it nd you look upstanding plus if you can sweet talk nice (never talk to LEO) then maybe a slap, spilt weed and a brolen/lost bong.

worst would be a ride in a police car (not the cool ride) and we may see you on COPS.

Now if it's mom or dad? That would be do you live with them, are you old enough to be on your own? if your 14 and my kid, I'll have a new bong and some weed and the kid's ass will be red.

If my mom finds my weed she might say "I was hoping this was a phase you would out grow 20 years ago."


Well-Known Member
Then put it in the hatch area.. Point is, its out of reach.. Ignore this if you want, if the accessable to driver type laws don't apply, but its still the best course..
And don't try to sweet talk LEO's.. Regardless of your status, silence is ALWAYS the best policy..