Getting close. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
i posted this a little while ago in "general indoor growing." i have no idea if it is unacceptable to make the same post in a different place on the site or not. please let me know.
guess i'm a little paranoid :mrgreen: and keep thinking i'm going to screw this up.

see the down turned leaves on the top buds? is that something to worry about?

i'm totally guessing i have about 2 weeks left. the bottom buds, which you cant see in the pic, those pistils have turned about half brown. i wonder if that is unusual for the bottom buds to turn before the bigger top ones do?

i got the little hand microscope out today and checked the trichomes but it sort of depends on where you look on the plant.

i think maybe one more dose of ferts and then clear water from here out?

all guesswork! :hump:

comments and opinions are welcome!


Well-Known Member
I have no clue whether it's normal for the bottom buds to mature faster than the tops, but mine are doing the same thing ( If I look at the trichs and compare them to the tops, they are way farther along. How do your tops and bottoms compare as far as the trichs go?

How long have you been flowering? Very nice looking grow you got there btw! I'd love to know what lights you used, how long you vegged for, what strain, yield, etc. Impressive.


Well-Known Member
looking at the triches my bottom buds are way farther along than the top ones even though they are much less developed.

thanks! this is kiwiseeds kiwiskunk. one plant. lots of bending. i vegged for 6 weeks. too long. i've been flowering for 5+ weeks. it's all CFLs. anywhere from 300-450 watts. soil gro. pretty much fox farm stuff. i move my lights around constantly and rotate my plant at least once a day. if i'm home for the day i turn the plant every couple of hours. as far as yield and taste and high - i don't know yet but i'll let you know!


Well-Known Member
here's a pic of the middle of the plant. it looks a little odd due to the lighting. the flash went off so that foreground bud looks totally frosty. however, if you can see it these little bud pistils are turning brown. and those fan leaves are actually very dark green.



Well-Known Member
there's the main cola. i have bent the sh+t out of it, accidentally supercropped it, and it is now sort of C shaped. if i had not bent and twisted it would be a good foot above the other colas.

still a bit worried about those downturned leaves.



100% Authentic A$$Hole
Dude you are doing great, I wouldnt worry about anything...Just keep doing what it is that you are doing:hump:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you already have this information, but resources I've consulted say flower anywhere from 45 - 60 days for kiwiskunk. That's a pretty big range IMO. I wish I could offer some advice on ETA for harvest, but since I've yet to harvest I'll leave that to more experienced people. I can offer you high compliments on your grow though; it looks amazing!

You may want to try posting your question on Harvesting and Curing with a reference back to this thread. People there love to look at budshots, and there is some pretty good advice to be had. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody for the suggestions and positive comments. Poppin I will post over in Harvesting and Curing - thanks. Also, you are right, 45-60 days for Kiwiskunk and thanks for reminding me. I actually counted out the days and it turns out I am 7/8 days away from 45 days. So I may be 2 weeks+ away from being done....I guess!


Well-Known Member
I say 3 more weeks for sure.those top colas have all white hairs still. I found when grow with CFL's you need to give them a week ontop of what they say for them to ripen


New Member
what wattage of cfl's are you running and how do you have them set up if you don't mind. Could you take a pic?