Getting high with animals...(:

Do you have that one great pet who's always extra clingy when you break out a sesh? Who's silly antics are all the entertainment you need? I got stuck with a great stoner animal buddy, being that of my dog, i used to leave a sesh and papes on my bed only to discover with great disapointment my weed tray knocked to the floor papes scattered around.. but with no trace of the weed at all... i wondered why he loved my friends pockets till one day a boy of mine confronted me claiming i'd taken his weed after i saw him with his girlfriend while walking my dog. I let him pat me down, with only tna pants and a pull over sweater i had no pockets. After getting home Drayton ( my dog ) sat down beside my bed, whimpered I looked down to see a small plastic baggy between his paws. Now sitting outside i'll be smoking my bong he'll here the bubbling of the water and will run into the shed lay his head on my lap so he can get some smoke... lol. I dont like blowing it at him as much as he tries for it... now of course everything cant be perfect. I recently bought a siamese kitten, and after burning a j in my room, i'd knock out for a bit with my kitten cuddling up to my kneck. One day after falling asleep with him i woke to my chin feeling as if it was on fire, only a small concentrated patch. His big sea blue eyes looking down at me, shooing him off i went and looked in the mirror, i had a strange red mark.. like rope burn on my chin,there were even specs of blood. A few days later, after again smoking and falling asleep with my kitten, I awoke to him leaned over my face, licking consitantly at my chin trying to evade my swatting hands and keep licking... im not sure what posses my kitten to lick me only went im burnt out or if hes jus buzzin on his own and my chin is a good place to trip out on... ^-^

Personally i enjoy my animal company as much as my friends company, and enjoy hearing about stoner animals, so if you got any stories post em here :]


Staff member
kay cool it smoke, you may not agree with what he does, but you dont need to call him names.


Well-Known Member
you DO understand that weed is NOT harmful to people or animals right? and as he stated the dog comes to him when hes smoking. seems like dogs CHOICE to me ;)
Yo guy shut your mouth, what I do to my animals is my choice, every single pet i have is happy healthy and as for my dogs, they listen within an inch of their lives, if my dog willingly, without any temptation from me, comes and puts his head to try to get smoke is his choice, as i said " i dont like blowing it at him" and i never said i am keping my cat locked in a smokey room or ikm holding this cat down blowing smoke in his face. All my post was about is the animal company you get when ur stoned, if your animals sense it and act different. You think if i knew my dog was eating my weed i'd have kept it on the bed? no. Jesus, dont jump the gun bro and be some type of keybored warrior. you goof.


Staff member
INC massive amounts of PM's . anyways next time use the search bar this topic has been covered multiple times. and almost ALL threads have been locked due to the overwhelming responses of negativity and name calling


Well-Known Member
INC massive amounts of PM's . anyways next time use the search bar this topic has been covered multiple times. and almost ALL threads have been locked due to the overwhelming responses of negativity and name calling
its a forum sunni. theres always going to be name calling and negativity. its part of the forum world in case you havent been on other types of forums. now i see why so many threads are being shut down these days. dont take the mod job too far.


Staff member
its a forum sunni. theres always going to be name calling and negativity. its part of the forum world in case you havent been on other types of forums. now i see why so many threads are being shut down these days. dont take the mod job too far.
I never said i was going to lock it LOL, i am not taking my job too far i dont even mod this section, LOL . Im just simply stating this topic comes up a lot and it ends up getting closed because of everyone's strong sided opinions


Well-Known Member
I never said i was going to lock it LOL, i am not taking my job too far i dont even mod this section, LOL . Im just simply stating this topic comes up a lot and it ends up getting closed because of everyone's strong sided opinions
You want my opinion ;)


Well-Known Member
lol i just find it funny that tnt threads getting closed is apparently my fault now..i dont even mod TnT.
ha, tnt threads get closed due to stupid people and the shit they say, but if you weren't so darn mean people wouldn't pick on you haha :D


Well-Known Member
not saying anythings your fault just been seeing a lot of threads all over the forum being locked up recently just because a couple members started arguing and what not. i mean thats kinda what forums are for. i appologize, didnt mean to "blame" you.


Active Member
What I have learned over the years is that the internet seems to bring a false sense of security to people and elevated status to some. Unfortunately it grows exponentially, to the point I am willing to bet the loudest bark equates to the smallest little wiener of a dog. When in reality, if one were to act with this hatred, racist, bigotry, slander, etc. in person, they would have the life choked out of them by my fingers.........unless maybe I was on my way to pack a bowl. Then I guess I would have to be quick. Hey man, my bowl is more important than an asshole. You can quote me on that ;)

Peace, Love, and Smoochies.


Well-Known Member
I have a rabbit and two rats. All of them love to get baked, my rabbit will follow me around the house trying to scab some weed off me constantly haha. :)


Well-Known Member
I have a parrot that I've had since he was very young, 29 years now. When I accidentally blow smoke in his direction, he yells "Hey!"
