Getting my feet wet with hydro... literally.


Well-Known Member
If you checkout the ic forums, you'll see a growlog or two about some bio-buckets that I've pieced together.

I have been running them for about 3 weeks now, and have run into so many issues with leaks in the buckets. I have tried silicon, hot glue, super glue... and nothing works. I'm still consistently getting leaks in all the buckets. I am wondering if it is just the system itself that is prone to leaks considering the way they are built.

Anyway, after this grow, I'm wanting to ether scrap the entire system, or build a new RDWC system. If I could find a decently priced RDWC system online, I'd definitely go that route, as long as its somewhere around 15 buckets and will fill an area of 12'x 10'.

There's also the consideration that I could switch to an Ebb and Flo style of growing, but the truth is flood tables are just so damn expensive. And, I hear the growth and vigor are nowhere in comparison to what you get in RDWC. The same goes with a drip feed system, which is totally possible, and even seems more beneficial than an Ebb and Flo system.

I really want to hear some feedback from you members as to what you would prefer, or think is the best style of growing hydro. Also, if you could include some information on certain systems that you think are worth purchasing, or building.

Anything will be better than this constantly leaky bio bucket system. I will admit the growth is amazing, but I'm slowly flooding a basement...



Well-Known Member
If you checkout the ic forums, you'll see a growlog or two about some bio-buckets that I've pieced together.

I have been running them for about 3 weeks now, and have run into so many issues with leaks in the buckets. I have tried silicon, hot glue, super glue... and nothing works. I'm still consistently getting leaks in all the buckets. I am wondering if it is just the system itself that is prone to leaks considering the way they are built.

Anyway, after this grow, I'm wanting to ether scrap the entire system, or build a new RDWC system. If I could find a decently priced RDWC system online, I'd definitely go that route, as long as its somewhere around 15 buckets and will fill an area of 12'x 10'.

There's also the consideration that I could switch to an Ebb and Flo style of growing, but the truth is flood tables are just so damn expensive. And, I hear the growth and vigor are nowhere in comparison to what you get in RDWC. The same goes with a drip feed system, which is totally possible, and even seems more beneficial than an Ebb and Flo system.

I really want to hear some feedback from you members as to what you would prefer, or think is the best style of growing hydro. Also, if you could include some information on certain systems that you think are worth purchasing, or building.

Anything will be better than this constantly leaky bio bucket system. I will admit the growth is amazing, but I'm slowly flooding a basement...

RDWC (undercurrent, hands down best growing system) = aero > Buckets (when they don't leak lol) > Ebb&Flow > Drip imo...

also, why do u say flood tables are expensive? buy the tray, fittings and build a table out of 2x4s. use rubber maid or similar tub and you can have 4x4 setups for about 250 ea.


Well-Known Member
So rdwc undercurrent system eh?should i buy one or build a recirculating system? Im going for low maintenance and most productive/efficient


Well-Known Member
you can make a flood and drain table with 2x4's and pond liner cheap like someguy said.. and any size you want..


Well-Known Member
So rdwc undercurrent system eh?should i buy one or build a recirculating system? Im going for low maintenance and most productive/efficient
you can make a flood and drain table with 2x4's and pond liner cheap like someguy said.. and any size you want..
You can go that route but it's more likely to leak. I'd say buy the tray (botanicare rocks) but DIY the rest for massive savings... either way you don't have to pay 500 for a 2x4 "big foot" setup with rez that most of the ready to go kits cost.