Getting My Hands on Salvia


New Member
Well the title says it all, i want to try salvia for the first time and want to order online. I saw this place and it seems pretty good if not any suggestions? I am really anxious to try this, but im also really scared that it could change my life in a bad way or that something will go wrong. I have read alot about it good/bad trips. Any advice?


KiLLeR RiP 420

Active Member
Get xxx stuff that shit fucks you up for a couple of minutes kind of sucks. I wish it was ilegeal and pot was legal in my state. If you kind of like to trip its the drug you want. Me on the other hand will stick to my buds.


New Member seems cheaper though

Also i know weed is probally better but everyone says you need to experience salvia atleast once before its illegal.

KiLLeR RiP 420

Active Member
Its always best to do it with some friends and one sober. To recored the whole thing! and one more thing sit on a nice and soft couch =) Enjoy


Well-Known Member
I have done a lot of research in the past few weeks about salvia. You are going to want the standardized extract that uses grain alcohol to extract the s-A rather than some other cheaper and more caustic substance. I chose 10x from It was $46 for 3 grams of 10x. Take small amounts at a time and enjoy safely and responsibly.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Bouncing Bear Botanicals, 20x Standardized.

There is no questioning here. lol


stays relevant.
salvia is one of those terrible things you likely wont want to experience twice... just a warning :lol:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
salvia is one of those terrible things you likely wont want to experience twice... just a warning :lol:
Now saying something like that is two things IMHO

1) Not true

2) likely to make someone anxious before their first experience, and be more likely to have a bad trip.

I did salvia a month straight just about, sometimes up to 3 times a day. I am not a big fan of it myself, but you can have an amazing experience with it when you're in the right setting.


New Member
Now saying something like that is two things IMHO

1) Not true

2) likely to make someone anxious before their first experience, and be more likely to have a bad trip.

I did salvia a month straight just about, sometimes up to 3 times a day. I am not a big fan of it myself, but you can have an amazing experience with it when you're in the right setting.
well thanks you helped balance out growtech's negativity obviously he had a bad experience. I have one problem, ordering it online without my parents finding out :/ any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I remember when my first salvia came in the mail. I told my parents it was insence. lol Damnit I'd give anything to be 15 again!


New Member
My parents are not that dumb, my mom has incense so she would know im lying. Does it get shipped in a box or go through the mail system?


Well-Known Member
Mine always came in a padded envelope. Its been so long though I couldn't remember where I got it from. Just order a bunch of shit at the same time. That way several packages come close together. A tshirt here, new ballcap there, little salvia in between.


I actually got some 15x Salvia from a local head shop it was around $50.00 for 3 grams. U might want to ask at a local headshop unless you want to wait for shipping.