getting my own place


Active Member
yeah its going to be awesome,i'll finally be able to smoke inside and have a few plants going [ :hump: ],i've been waiting for this for a while and it happening,was wondering what's a good indoor strain that has the highest yield[sorry if that doesnt belong here]


Active Member
thanks,i'm getting sick of living at home at 20 and not being able to do all the shit i wanna do and stuff


Well-Known Member
thats tight, you movin into a house?
Big Bud is known as a high yielding strai.


Active Member
sorta a trailer but still i dont give a fuck,my grandpa owns it so i might not even have to pay for rent or utilities,i was thinking about that, isn't there a strain where big buds crossed with something,i kinda wanna give N.Y.P.D a grow go


Well-Known Member
theres a Big BudxNorthern Light cross. You could try to cross Big Bud with N.Y.P.D if you want.