Getting ready for my outdoor grow, here is my arsenal so far, feedback please


hey all, I am a long time organic gardener and first time canna grower and I will be growing my plants in the ground along with my other crops. Over the last few years I have been building my garden spot with llama manure, compost I make and I mulch with cardboard, old straw and aged shredded leaves and then till everything in(eventually I want to go completely no till). Here is my material arsenal that I have gathered up this year to help in my grow: 5 yrds of llama manure to spread on garden before planting, about a yard of my compost that has been sitting since last year, which I will put into my holes(also starting to make more now), half of truck load of rabbit manure, also some alfalfa meal, kelp meal, bag of malted barley, comfrey plants, shredded leaves aged from last fall, couple bales of old somewhat decomposed straw. I also have access to a nice supply of aged sheep,goat and cow manure. I also started some worm bins which is how I want to utilize the rabbit manure and some of the kelp and alfalfa meal for castings. I guess I need to figure out how to best utilize each of these products and what else I need to add like neem meal, rock minerals etc. Any feedback and advice welcomed. Thanks.
hey all, I am a long time organic gardener and first time canna grower and I will be growing my plants in the ground along with my other crops. Over the last few years I have been building my garden spot with llama manure, compost I make and I mulch with cardboard, old straw and aged shredded leaves and then till everything in(eventually I want to go completely no till). Here is my material arsenal that I have gathered up this year to help in my grow: 5 yrds of llama manure to spread on garden before planting, about a yard of my compost that has been sitting since last year, which I will put into my holes(also starting to make more now), half of truck load of rabbit manure, also some alfalfa meal, kelp meal, bag of malted barley, comfrey plants, shredded leaves aged from last fall, couple bales of old somewhat decomposed straw. I also have access to a nice supply of aged sheep,goat and cow manure. I also started some worm bins which is how I want to utilize the rabbit manure and some of the kelp and alfalfa meal for castings. I guess I need to figure out how to best utilize each of these products and what else I need to add like neem meal, rock minerals etc. Any feedback and advice welcomed. Thanks.
This is my 3rd grow, I am by no means an expert. I ask questions all the time. Two things that I've found very helpful are neem oil and Maxsea. I spray neem oil on the underside of my leaves and Mist the top of the soil after watering. I use it to keep powdery mildew away & it's a good insecticide too. Maxsea is a seaweed powder & micronutrient plant food. I learned about it years ago because it's the only fertilizer that my carnivorous plants can handle but this year I learned ( from doublejj) it's very good for my cannabis plants too. On Amazon neem oil concentrate it's $9 & Maxsea is $15. Just never use neem oil on flowering buds. And there are two types of Maxsea one for vegetative and another for bloom. Good luck!